Are you planning to move out of the field of private equity? Do you think that you are not cut out for your PE role and wish to explore your options? If yes, this is the right place for you to identify the sectors that you can enter after leaving your private equity job.
It is a no less than a privilege to work in the private equity domain, however, you can feel worn out which is pushing you to look for other spheres of work where you could fit in. If that is the case, do not worry and say goodbye to your concerns as this article will provide you an overview of the various possibilities that you can choose from.
1. Hedge fund choices:
If you see yourself getting suppressed under the heavy weight of PE work and think that switching fields is the best move to make, then you can turn to hedge funds. Let us be honest here, it is no cakewalk to make deals and profits in PE. Becoming a millionaire overnight only happens in the movies. In real life you have to slog your way up the success ladder. So, moving into the area of hedge funds can be a good alternative.
2. Venture capitalist:
As a private equity associate, you may not get enough chances to get involved in large deals. You could find yourself inclined to performing supporting start-ups or enabling small companies grow and other tasks related to VC. Especially, if you are interested in working close to sectors like media, technology or healthcare, VC can be the perfect segment for you.
3. Own fund launching:
It could be a far-fetched plan to launch your own fund, but if you dream of doing that, don’t let anything stop you. This usually suits the senior people holding private equity certifications who have an exceptional performance record and own an extensive network of clients to back this plan.
4. Corporate/ Portfolio Company migration:
Private equity associates are known for providing support to portfolio companies to help them grow. After spending a substantial amount of time with a portfolio firm, they can capture a senior position, such as CEO, Business Development Head, CFO, and so on. It is undoubtedly a remunerative step to take, especially because you receive company stock that brings big profits. Also, the skills that you get to develop in private equity can be applied in corporate finance as well.
5. Consulting roles:
When you are working in the private equity industry, many things can go wrong. From poor fundraising to redundancy to an insupportable economic environment, there is a plethora of challenges that you may have to face in the PE sphere. Thus, if you ever feel tired of this and begin to look for a safety net, you can always turn to a consulting role where you will get to use your expertise in suggesting PE and investment banking strategies.