Home Tech News Why automation tool is important to help your Hotel reduce costs and increase revenue?

Why automation tool is important to help your Hotel reduce costs and increase revenue?

by Soft2share.com

β€œIn Today’s world, technology is always preferred over human interaction for everyday tasks. For example people prefer automated check-in rather than standing in a reception queue to process check-in”.

Automation has been a hotly debated topic in the hotel business overt the recent months. From Artificial intelligence concierges to electronic butlers to completely robotized hotels, Hoteliers have been grasping this Hotel Software technology to improve their operations and transform the guest experience. Our stand is that automation has a vital position in hotel industry as long as it doesn’t supersede quality service. We believe that hotel automation can supplement the human touch and open ways to significant communication between guests and hotels.

Hotel automation has substantial advantages for both hospitality properties and guests. We’ve listed down some of the guest-facing and back-end uses for Hotel automation, as well as the advantages deploying this kind of Hotel technology.

How can Automation be applied in Hotels?

Guest Messaging – Properties can utilize scripted messages to react to guest requests and comments utilizing a mobile guest engagement software. Besides, through a menu interface, guests can utilize their smartphones to order items or request services.

Mobile Check-in and Check-out – Guests can check-in and out of the Hotel utilizing their smartphones or an on –site booth, allowing them to avoid the line at the front desk.

Sensor & Keycard enabled Guest Rooms – Motion-detected sensors can detect when the guest has entered into the room and enact the lights and temperature control. On the other hand, lights and temperature can be controlled by having the guest embed their room key into a reader near the room entrance.

Housekeeping Services – Robots are becoming more popular in hotels. For instance, Aloft Hotel in recently introduced Botlr, an automated robotic concierge that delivers things like towels and toothbrushes to guest rooms.

Automated Room Assign – Some Hotel PMS Solutions automatically allot guest rooms based on the previous guest history and the choice of preferences.

Advantages for Hotels

Saves Staff Time – When an automated mobile guest engagement system is in place in the property, it saves staff from having to manually respond to each and every message they get from guests. Rather, management can pre-program responses to a variety of requests and situations, empowering staff to focus on more complicated issues and the fulfillment of guest demands. Robot concierges and stewards offer a similar advantage. By utilizing a robotic steward to deliver items to guest rooms, hotel staff can work more productively on different tasks.

Quick Responses to Guests – Hotel automation in terms of responses to guests ensures that answers to their requests and concerns will be speedy. This gives guests the feeling that their support is esteemed and their concerns are being paid attention to by hotel management, which can lead to a higher level of trust between the guest and Hotel. A note of alert for hoteliers, notwithstanding: don’t automate each and every response, particularly if a guest is particularly upset about something. In such cases, the guest needs to get response that are thoughtful. Serious guest concerns ought to be taken care of by management to avoid from estranging the guest further.

Reduced cost & Increased Revenue – Hotel automation is important to help your Hotel reduce costs and increase revenue in different areas. Mobile based request menus enable guests to effectively request products and services by using their own smart devices, which can convert into more deals. Robotic stewards swap the requirement for more staff members, so Hotels can save money on Payroll costs. Some industry leaders even propose that Hotel automation can help minimize the energy costs related with running a Hotel, as keycard-activated lighting and cooling in guest rooms implies energy won’t be utilized while the guest is out of the room.

Advantages for Guests

Consider Self Service – We live in a world where people (especially Millennials) like to get things done on their own. In many cases, travelers prefers to have at least the option of self-service. The vital thing for hoteliers to recall is that Hotel automation must be offset with faultless service in such cases. Empowering self-service check-in and check-out shouldn’t be tied in with removing genuine service away from guests; it ought to be tied in with giving those choices.

Customized Service – Through their Hotel PMS System, the hotel can store information about a guest’s preference and use it to design an experience tailored specially to them. For instance, if the hotel learns that a guest appreciates pedicures at the spa, they can design their marketing software to consequently send them a special offer for a pedicure at the hotels spa.

Guest Convenience – After a long flight, couple of guests are keen to stand in line hanging tight to check in while front desk staff tend to other guests. Mobile or booth check-in wipes out this need to wait. Moreover, with a versatile mobile engagement solution, guests can request what they need, when they need it, and have their issues resolved by Hotel staff in an opportune way.

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