Home General tips 10 Best Keto Products

10 Best Keto Products

by Soft2share.com

Originally published on HVMN by  Ryan Rodal.

The ketogenic diet has become one of the most popular diets in the world. As a low-carb, moderate-protein, high-fat diet, it creates a metabolic adaptation in which the body relies on fat stores for energy, resulting in the production of ketones, and thus, putting the body into a state of ketosis.

The challenge in sticking to a keto diet is that many foods contain more carbs than you might imagine (there are ~34g of carbs in a banana!), making it difficult to stay in ketosis. The lack of quality keto products also plays a role.

Good news is, the tides have turned.

Although keto products were far and few between just a few short years ago, the popularity of the diet has introduced many new items to the marketplace.

With the help of these products, you can reach ketosis faster or better adhere to a ketogenic diet. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the best keto products currently on the market and provide some recommendations for our favorites.

Note: If you’re new to ketosis, be sure to read our complete breakdown of the diet and its mechanisms here in Keto Diet Fundamentals and Ketosis Fundamentals.

1. Cheese Crisps for a High-Fat Snack

It can be difficult to find low-carb prepackaged keto snacks to take on the go.

Most chips, cookies, and crackers traditionally are filled with carbs and processed sugars. Thankfully, keto-friendly products are becoming more common and accessible—like KetoLogic Keto Crisps.

Cheese is a keto diet staple. Because of its high-fat, low-carb macronutrient ratio, cheese (in its hundreds of varieties) has become the go-to snack for anyone on keto.

But even though it’s a go-to, it’s not necessarily a to-go type of snack. You don’t want cheese melting in your backpack.

KetoLogic Keto Crisps are an easy-to-carry, low-carb snack made entirely from locally sourced milk. As a gluten-free, sugar-free, keto-friendly product, the crisps can be consumed by virtually anyone (aside from lactose intolerant individuals). With only 1g of carb per serving, its safe to say it won’t take you out of ketosis.

They come in three flavors, including cheddar, buffalo, and chili lime. Whether you are at school, work, the gym, or on the road, these snacks are portable enough to bring anywhere.

Instead of reaching for those greasy potato chips, reach for some cheese instead.

An illustration of a fridge, with cheese and blueberries, showing which keto items you might find in your fridge

2. Beef Jerky for a Low-Carb Snack

Snacking can be one of the enemies of the keto diet, especially if you typically reach for chips and cookies. While many people anecdotally report feelings of satiety on keto (because of the high amount of fat), snacking can still be one of the main things that kicks you out of ketosis.

Like cheese, another snack you’ll see on the desks of keto dieters is beef jerky, mostly because of the high protein content and low amount of carbohydrates.

Beef Jerky is an easily portable source of protein that’s easy to carry anywhere.

Problem is, it can be really difficult to find beef jerky that doesn’t contain much sugar, and thus, excess carbs. We like Epic’s beef, apple, bacon bar. We know…beef jerky in a bar seems weird. But it’s even more convenient than a pouch, and also enables portion control.

This bar only has 4g of carbs per serving—far less than many other brands. It also has 9g of protein and 13g of fat, so it’s pretty keto-friendly.

Epic uses 100% grass-fed, free-range beef for its bars; not only does it taste good (it’s got bacon!), but you can feel good eating it.The perfect macronutrient calculator for keto

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3. Creatine to Support Muscle Growth

Creatine has been one of the most frequently-researched supplements of all-time. Thousands of studies have shown creatine to be effective for supporting muscle strength, power, and size.

As the supplement of choice for athletes, creatine can help improve athletic performance in several ways. Over 22 studies showed an average muscle mass increase of 8% compared to placebo groups.1 Increases in bench press (one repetition maximum) also increased from 3% to 45%. Substantial evidence has suggested that creatine supplementation can be far more effective at increasing muscle strength and weightlifting performance than resistance training alone.

Another benefit of creatine use is increased lean muscle tissue mass. A meta-analysis on 22 studies showed an average lean muscle mass increase of 1.37kg compared to placebo groups.2

With so many brands of creatine in the marketplace, be sure to choose a high-quality product proven to work. Optimum Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate is made with a pure creatine monohydrate, and is easily mixed and blended. The beauty of the product is that it’s unflavored, allowing it to work with many different types of supplements (like right into your protein shake post-workout).

Creatine works well as part of the keto diet especially if you are looking to increase muscle growth or enhance strength performance. It’s great for all you endurance athletes out there too—in one study, supplementing with creatine and carbohydrates showed benefits for power outputs in the closing sprints of time trials.3 That means better performance at the end of the race.

If you are a highly active individual, be sure to add creatine to your supplementation stack.

4. Salt for Electrolytes

One temporary side effect of the keto diet is the keto flu.

The body often needs a bit of time to transition from using carbohydrates to using fat as its main energy source. During the period of adaptation, the body can experience flu-like symptoms known as the keto flu. The reported symptoms include mood swings, irritability, fatigue, and dizziness. Studies have compared the effects of carbohydrates on the brain to addictive drugs like cocaine, so it’s no surprise these feelings stemming from carbohydrate withdrawal can last several days or weeks.4

Once carbohydrate is drastically decreased, electrolytes are processed differently as glycogen is drastically reduced.

On keto, less insulin is released, causing the kidneys to excrete more sodium. As your body begins to lose sodium, this can also impact the balance of other key electrolytes in your body because those electrolytes are excreted in the urine. And water alone is generally not sufficient for replenishing electrolyte levels.5 Due to the excretion of electrolytes (such as sodium), it’s important to use supplementation as a means of getting back to normal levels.

Using a sodium-based product such as Fyr Salt is one way to combat these imbalances. As an unrefined pink salt with trace materials, it can help replete what’s lost from low-carb dieting.

Supplementing with sodium-based products such as Fyr Salt can help protect the function of a number of physiological processes, including:

  • Nerve function6
  • Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure7
  • Control of water retention8

With its great taste, clean natural ingredients, and ketogenic diet support, Fyr Salt can help improve electrolyte balance and may help reduce symptoms of the dreaded keto flu. Try adding Fyr Salt to your diet—it’s more than just your everyday table salt.

An illustration of a pantry with beef jerky, salt and peanut butter, showing which keto items might be around your cupboard

5. MCT Oil Powder for Sustained Keto Energy

Medium Chain Triglycerides or MCTs, have almost become synonymous with the keto diet.

In case you were unaware, triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. These medium-chain triglycerides aren’t actually exogenous ketones, but they are easily converted into ketones by the body. One product that can help your keto diet journey is MCT oil or MCT oil powder.

MCTs are rapidly digested and shuttered to the liver to be used for energy or to be converted into ketones that power the brain and body.

MCTs can help you stay in ketosis or get to ketosis quicker— as they’re a healthy source of fat that is less likely to be stored as body fat.9

Consuming MCT- based products as part of a ketogenic diet can produce several other health benefits including:

  • May improve weight loss: a study showed that people who consumed MCT oil with breakfast were less likely to overeat compared to a placebo group.10
  • Can increase energy expenditure: one study showed MCT consumption helped to increase energy expenditure (burn more calories) compared to dieting alone.11
  • May reduce the risk of heart disease: a study on healthy overweight men who consumed MCT oil had a 14% decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol compared to a control group.12
  • May positively benefit diabetic patients: a study on overweight type 2 diabetic patients using MCTs showed a reduction in body weight, waist circumference, and insulin resistance compared to a placebo group that used LCTs.13

It seems MCT supplementation can have several benefits, from increased energy to weight loss. But you might be wondering—what’s the best method of consuming MCTs?

Sure MCT oil is one option, but it may also cause gastrointestinal distress in individuals with sensitive stomachs, especially with the increase of fat into the diet early on in keto.14 One alternative is a powder- based MCT source such as H.V.M.N. MCT Oil Powder.

Created through a process known as spray drying, liquid MCT oil is spray dried and microencapsulated with a powder carrier shell to give it a powder-like appearance. With it’s high concentration of C8 MCTs (the world’s most ketogenic fat), H.V.M.N. MCT Oil Powder contains zero carbs and only 100% pure C8 MCTs with a blend of acacia fiber (a gut-friendly prebiotic).

If you’re looking for a high-quality MCT source to incorporate into your daily keto routine, look no further than H.V.M.N. MCT Oil powder.

6. Blueberries for a Sweet Treat

Switching to a keto diet means you’ll be consuming way less carbohydrates. Berries tend to have fewer carbs than other fruits making them the most keto-friendly option. If you want to enjoy fruit, be sure to pick a low-carb choice, such as blueberries.

Berries have the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits and veggies.

A study done on common fruits found berries to have the highest cellular antioxidant activity out of more than 25 fruits researched.15 Increased antioxidant intake can decrease oxidative stress and may also reduce the risk of cancer.15

Although berries can provide valuable antioxidants, they can also rot quickly. Buying frozen fruit, or freezing the fruit yourself, is one way to keep your favorite snacks handy and not in the trash can. We like Wyman’s frozen blueberries. They’re a snack you can keep in the freezer anytime you need to scratch that dessert itch.

7. Peanut Butter for Healthy Fat

All-natural peanut butter can be considered keto-friendly due to its healthy fats and relatively low carb content. The naturally sweet and salty treat can be a high-fat, high-protein food source that fits into a ketogenic diet.

One natural choice is Skippy Natural Creamy Peanut Butter spread. Free of preservatives and artificial flavoring, Skippy Natural provides a smooth taste without any unwanted additives.

Peanut butter is also extremely versatile. You can use it for topping veggies, creating fat bombs, or even eat it straight out of the jar in a moment of desperation.

One thing to be mindful of is portion sizes. Peanut butter is easy to overeat because it’s so tasty; be sure to accurately measure serving sizes and enjoy in moderation.

8. Whey Protein to Hit Your Macros

Whey protein is a proven supplement capable of helping you meet dietary protein goals. If you are trying to build and maintain muscle, keep protein levels high enough to activate protein synthesis.

Some benefits of whey protein supplementation include:

  • Enhanced whole body anabolism16
  • Improved recovery after strenuous resistance exercise16
  • Increased lean muscle mass17

The problem is, many proteins on the market contain excess fillers such as maltodextrin (added sugar) resulting in higher carb content. Finding a great tasting low-carb, keto protein can be difficult, but there are viable options currently on the market.

Muscle Feast has created a keto-friendly whey protein without any added chemicals or fillers. It contains 21.5 grams of protein and only 89 calories per serving. Made with grass-fed dairy, it has everything you want and nothing you don’t. With only contains .2 g of carbs per serving, it’s the perfect keto-friendly protein option.

Whether you are searching for a high protein meal replacement or a convenient protein powder on the go, Muscle Feast Whey Protein has you covered.

9. Keto Testing Device to Measure Ketosis

Testing and understanding blood ketone levels is a fundamental element of biohacking and optimizing your keto diet to the best degree.

One of the latest innovations for keto dieters is the creation of a new ketosis measurementdevice. There are a few options (including blood and urine testing devices) but none are as easy-to-use as a breath-analyzing device: simply breathe into the device and measure ketone levels instantly.

With the help of a smartphone app, you are able to track ketosis in real time without any painful finger pricking or unsightly urine tests. The Keyto Breath Sensor is a pocket sized ketone measurement system providing instant readings. One of the downsides—those instant readings are a range of ketosis (similar to urine tests). Blood tests give an exact measurement of ketosis, but it’s understandable people don’t want to prick their fingers every time they want to check for ketone levels.

Still, the Keyto Breath Sensor is convenient. It allows you to stay accountable and keep your keto goals on track. Stick to your keto diet using the most simple and portable ketone measurement device to date.

An image of H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester and an image of H.V.M.N. MCT Oil Powder

10. Ketone Ester for Deep, Rapid Ketosis

The main goal of the keto diet is ketone production. Ketosis is generally defined as blood ketone levels above 0.5mM.18

As you may already know, ketones can be produced either endogenously (meaning, the body produces its own ketones, usually via diet or fasting) or through an exogenous ketone supplement. Exogenous ketones are consumed through external means as a way of raising blood ketones and sustaining ketosis even without the help of a high-fat diet.18Studies have shown exogenous ketone drinks to be a practical, efficacious way of achieving ketosis.19,20

H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester is one such exogenous ketone source that can be used to get into a deeper state of ketosis within minutes, inducing levels of ketosis usually seen in fasting for days or dieting for weeks.21,19,22

The patented technology of H.V.M.N. Ketone has several advantages, including:

  • Improved cognitive performance22
  • Better regulated blood glucose19
  • Increased glycogen resynthesis23
  • Higher use of muscle fat stores21

H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester is a tool used by many for keto diet support.

“Getting back into ketosis with H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester makes a big difference. It helps get me back on track and powers me through my day.”Lidice F., HVMN Ketone Ester customer

Because H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester provides near-instant ketosis, it can be used to supplement your natural ketone production. Maybe you cycle off keto during the weekends (many people do). That’s where H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester can be so useful—it helps you skip keto flu symptoms by providing the body with exogenous ketones as you ramp back into endogenous ketone production.

How to Determine if a Product is Keto-Friendly

It can be difficult to decipher whether or not products are keto-friendly. When researching different food products, keep a few things in mind.

  1. Look at nutritional labels for ingredients containing hidden carbs such as sugars or high-fructose corn syrup.
  2. Review serving sizes on all products. A relatively small serving size may make a product appear to be low in carbs, when actually, it’s not.
  3. Practice moderation. No matter what foods you enjoy, it can be easy to overeat if you do not practice self-discipline.

By following these few steps, you can determine if a product is keto-friendly and fits into your dietary needs.

Which Keto Products are Right for You?

No products are a one-size-fits-all when it comes to the ketogenic diet—and thus, your keto needs. The key is trying different products and determining which ones best fit your lifestyle.

A word of caution: don’t sacrifice taste for quality. There are numerous keto-friendly products on the market that will make your taste buds happy without breaking ketosis. Find the best products to fit your diet, whether it’s food or supplements, to achieve and maintain ketosis.Want the best keto diet menu?

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Scientific Citations

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