Home Tech News 10 Essential characteristics of a web 2.0

10 Essential characteristics of a web 2.0

by Soft2share.com

They say that there is no second chance to generate a first good impression. That is why when we decided to hire the service of a web design agency, we must ensure that our site meets all the characteristics of a web 2.0 and be an excellent cover letter.

A web 2.0 is neither more nor less than a showcase, a platform where we present ourselves to our customers, our suppliers and the public in general. Therefore, it is so important to get a web design as it transmits exactly that corporate image we want to give.

If you already have a header web designer, the one you always work with and already understand your tastes and preferences, you already have a big step gained, because whether you want to start from scratch with the design, or if you want to do some redesign of the existing web, having a good “feeling” with the designer is essential to achieve good results.

In addition, there are many advantages of hiring a freelance for projects, since he will know what you need as a brand, he will know how to guide you on how much a website costs and so you will know better what it is that you need.

If we have not yet fully clarified this issue, here is a fundamental list with the 10 elements of a web page 2.0:

What are the characteristics of a web 2.0?

The 10 characteristics that will catalog your site as a web 2.0 by Ahtesham Nazir

1. Navigation is simple

Sometimes the beautiful thing goes against this, because when wanting to differentiate ourselves, we look for a professional web design that is too far-fetched, that is striking to the eye, but it may be difficult to navigate, when in fact what we want is for people to find what they want. Is looking in the least amount of clicks possible.

2. A good header

It is the first thing that users will see when they log in, so they must include the logo or name of the site and, if possible, mention what is offered on the 2.0 website. Give a clear description of our services or products, it never hurts.

3. Featured images and content

In the world of web design 2.0 we already know that images make up almost 100% and consumers, when purchasing a product “not tangible” at that time (unlike when they are buying in a store), they need to have an idea as similar to the possible reality.

Therefore, use beautiful, eye-catching images, but that are real and inspire confidence. However, let’s not forget the content, which should be attractive and current so that the reader may be even more willing to know what your brand can offer.

If you want your content to stand out within your professional or corporate website, you should use a striking but simple typography to read, and highlight some parts that you want to stand out more than others.

4. Call-to-action buttons

Do not let the user guess what you have to do in each case, if you doubt too much, you will end up leaving the page.

Many times, the user comes to our professional website from another website, and does not go directly to the “home”. Let’s not let him feel lost and guide him to where we want. We have to be very clear and concrete in what we want the user to do.

5. Search field

If your site has a lot of content and information, one of the features of your web 2.0 will necessarily have to be the search box so that the user can easily find what they need and everything that is not in view.

6. Landing Pages

For those who still do not know what this is, it is a one-page website that is accessed through a banner or other type of advertisement from an Internet portal.

Although it is not a strictly necessary web element, it is a fundamental tool to carry out online campaigns and promotions, since they usually explain in more detail the service or product that is offered.

7. Opinions of users / clients

It is always important to allocate a space in all professional web design, both to highlight user testimonials of our products or services, as well as to include logos of companies (if they are better known) that relied on our services.

This brings a lot of credibility and corporate image, due to the trust it generates in the user who still does not know the brand and approaches the website 2.0 for the first time.

8. Contact information and social media buttons

This may seem obvious to some, but many times, when dealing with the characteristics of our corporate website, we miss updating contact information, which can make us lose many customers if at the time of contacting with us they do not find a correct number or email.

And what to say about social networks, although we have already talked a lot about this, it is very important to include links to our Facebook or Twitter page (to mention the most popular ones). In addition, they must be updated profiles, since it is useless for the client to link to a Facebook whose last update dates back 3 months.

9. Responsive design

We would say that it is almost impossible for a company that wants to have a good reputation in the 2.0 field to manage without a responsive web design. Your professional website has to be able to be displayed correctly on all devices (be it a tablet, a smartphone, a desktop PC, etc.).

Basically, we must provide the user with a good browsing experience, navigate from where you navigate. Fundamental, do not you think?

10. Take into account the SEO factor

At the same time that we care about having web design as it is attractive for generation 2.0, we must ensure that our website is created to promote good SEO positioning.

For this, we will hire an SEO Expert who knows how to guide us at this point, taking into account the name of the domain, the content, how it is distributed, etc.

If your website is working, you can guide yourself through these points and analyze them one by one. There are always things to improve, and that’s the good thing about the Internet and the online world, which serve as a guide to think if we are on the right track or what we should change.

Do you complete your site with all the features to be a web 2.0?, with which yes, and which do not ?, Do you need to improve any?

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