Home Tech News 10 Steps to Internet Security

10 Steps to Internet Security

by Soft2share.com

Internet security is important for businesses, organizations, commercial hubs, the military, federal governments, schools, offices and more. The world wide web is a playground for thieves so you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting your network.


In a world where only the paranoid survive, here are 10 steps to better internet security:

  1. Keep the server in the safe place – it’s common sense but also essential if you want your service safe from tampering. Servers should be stored in a room with a lock so that it can be securely closed up at the end of every day. Allow access to only those who need it, eg: your IT managers.
  2. Secure passwords for staff members – each staff member should have a unique password for their logins to anything on the network. Access should be organised by way of protocol so that it is limited by division / department.
  3. Use tamper free cables – visit MCL Data Solutions for a range of tamper free fibre optic cables which will ensure your server and internet data is protected from internal or external threats. It’s a small investment worth making and something which military IT networks use to keep their files safe from the wrong hands.
  4. Turn on all security features – this is something that should not be overlooked. Turn on all security features; you can never be too careful.
  5. Secure your WIFI network – make sure you have a safe password as computers and other devices such as phones and tablets can connect to your WIFI network. WIFI networks can make it easier for hackers to get into your private files but as long as you have the right WIFI security in place, it should be safe.
  6. Firewall for hardware and software – firewalls can protect your network from infected files downloaded from the internet. If you want extra protection, software firewalls can protect your network from bad files carried in externally, for instance; if an employee downloads files from their memory stick.
  7. Back up all files – backing up your files is essential. Make sure all your files are backed up elsewhere (more and more businesses are using cloud networks to do this).
  8. Educate your staff – make sure that all staff members understand the importance of internet security. Encourage them to be careful on a day to day business.
  9. Enforce strong passwords – be sure to strong passwords across the organisation. Every staff member should be told to create unique passwords that no-one else will know, and to also include letters, numbers and symbols.
  10. Limit installation rights – if you have an IT manager, make it his responsibility to decide who has access to what and make sure that not everyone can install things onto their computer. Any new installations should be requested to the IT team and logged.

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