Home Tech News 3 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating Websites

3 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating Websites

by Soft2share.com

Launching your first website can be equal parts exciting and creatively rewarding. Whether the site is meant to showcase your personal creativity or promote a business venture, it’s important to put your best foot forward when creating it. Unfortunately, a large number of first-time site owners make a plethora of rookie mistakes during the design process.


Luckily, many of these mistakes are easy to avoid, provided you take the time to familiarize yourself with them. When putting together your first site, make an effort to bypass the following blunders.

  1. Ignoring Mobile Optimization

Ignoring mobile optimization is among the most grievous mistakes made by first-time web designers. We’re living in the age of mobile browsing, and the majority of web traffic now comes from smart phones, tablets and other handheld devices. Although traditional desktop and laptop PCs are still widely used, most casual browsing and online shopping is now done on phones. That being the case, no modern-day website owner can afford to ignore mobile optimization. If your site doesn’t load properly for visitors on mobile devices, you’re liable to lose out on a considerable amount of traffic. Furthermore, if your site is devoted to ecommerce, a lack of mobile functionality is guaranteed to result in lost business. Fortunately, the innovative DIY design tools available at Network Solutions make it easy to create a fully mobile website.

  1. Choosing the Wrong Hosting Service

Many first-time site owners don’t realize just how important their choice of hosting service is. Not doing your homework before selecting a hosting service can have a number of undesirable consequences. In addition to painfully slow load speeds, lackluster hosting companies are synonymous with poor security and unresponsive customer support. With this in mind, limit your choices to companies that offer around-the-clock support, lightning-fast speeds and top-notch security. The right hosting service can maximize your site’s functionality, increase security and ensure that you’re taken care of in the event of an unexpected outage.

  1. Using Unstable Design Tools

In recent years, it’s become easy for people with no background in web design to create their own sites in a timely manner. Unfortunately, using unstable tools and templates can result in an equally unstable website. For this reason, it’s recommended that you use the high-quality tools and templates from reputable companies like Network Solutions. If stability and functionality are among your foremost priorities, avoid tools from questionable sources.

Getting your very first website up and running can be an exhilarating experience. However, there are a number of rookie mistakes that stand to compromise your site’s success if not properly nipped in the bud. Fortunately, avoiding these mistakes doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Forming a solid understanding of the most common blunders made by first-time website owners can prove immensely helpful when it comes time to launch your site. Prioritizing mobile optimization, being selective when it comes time to choose a hosting service and using stable templates design tools can help ensure that success of your first website.

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