Home Business 3 Side Business Ideas You Can Start This Month

3 Side Business Ideas You Can Start This Month

by Soft2share.com

Every startup starts with a great idea. It is the idea that transforms ordinary startups into most funded ones. If you have a great idea, rest is easy.

So where do these ideas come from?

One of the easiest ways to generate ideas for a startup is to see what others are doing. By analyzing the types of businesses that are performing well (in other parts of the world), you can easily come up with a few new and innovative ideas for a startup in your part of the world.

Let’s look at these 3 side business ideas if you’re clueless as to where to begin.

  1. Electric Toothbrush Heads

Quip is a toothbrush brand that sends a new toothbrush head to its subscribers. It is a subscription-based company. The customers subscribe to the brand, purchase an electric toothbrush, and the company sends them a new toothbrush head after every three months.

Why not create a similar subscription company in your country?

Here is another idea.

Electric toothbrushes have a rotating motor which vibrates up to 40K Hz, and most of the advanced electric toothbrushes come with sensors and timers. Due to a high vibration speed, the motor loses its power overtime, and the brush head has to be replaced. Even if it doesn’t happen, users still need a new brush every three months.

Why not start creating supporting replaceable heads for the electric toothbrushes? You have to inspect a few famous electric toothbrushes in your target market, check their motor, vibration speed, sensors, and understand how they work. Start creating better heads and start selling them in the market.

For example, there is a need for such businesses in most Asian countries that will produce replaceable electric toothbrush heads. Creating better and affordable heads for available toothbrushes will provide the users with an option.

  1. e-Waste Recycling

Electronic Recyclers is a US-based e-waste recycling company that picks the electronic wastes from the homes, destroys it, ensures proof of data destruction, and recycles the material. It is only restricted to the US.

Create a similar company for your state, city, or even for an entire country. Start collecting electronic waste which is hard to get rid of and normally, users are reluctant to handover electronic devices to unknown people (due to fear of data theft). Create a local startup for recycling electronic wastes and ensure data destruction.

Maybe even better, let users bring their own electronic wastesto the site and let them see their waste being destroyed with the data storage.This is how people recycle their e-waste in the Singapore.

  1. Food Vending Machines

Fresh Vending is one of the pioneers of the food vending machines. The machines give fresh food to the people.

Food vending machines are quite popular and are available in most parts of the world. But the idea of healthy fresh food is new. There aren’t many vending machines in third-world countries that focus on healthy food.

Or, why not start supplying healthy foods to these machines and register with them as a vendor?

Or, you can open a franchise of a famous healthy food vending machine company.

The idea is to start offering healthy food via vending machines as this is the need of the time. Nobody wants to eat junk.

These three ideas are more than side business ideas. You can start a full business if you’re serious and have the funds to get cracking. Remember, the business idea is important but what’s more important is getting started.

Stop thinking, take action.

And yes, keep looking around for new side business ideas. The best ideas often come from existing businesses.

Author Bio: Sabih Javed is a T-Shaped digital marketer and the founder of DigitalMarketer.pk where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more. Helping startups with digital marketing is what he loves.

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