Home Tech News 4 Essential Features You Need to Look for in Project Management Software

4 Essential Features You Need to Look for in Project Management Software

by Soft2share.com

From the beginning of 2020, the demands of project management software have gone too high. While most of the organizations all around the world started working remotely due to the outbreak of the deadly virus, it became imperative for the companies to understand how their employees are working from home and efficiently they can meet all the deadlines even when the work environment has completely changed. And for this reason, investing in a tool for managing tasks and projects while tracking employee output has become necessary. 

When Should You Consider New Project Management Software?

The following scenarios can make you invest in the best project management software.

  • Too many tools are used by the team and it is difficult to track all the tasks
  • Your team is missing deadlines and deliverables
  • Collaboration with the team members is not very efficient and effective
  • Too much time is spent on meetings, analyzing, generating reports, and not in the task completion

So, if you are considering project management software, you need to know about the essential features that you would like to have in your software that will make it a worthy investment. Take a look at the following features that you can find in most of the reputed software like Know Your Day and so on. 

Remote Dashboard

Getting “at-a-glance” ideas is a necessity when you are managing your staff remotely. You should get an instant idea about the overall performance of your team. With the software, you will get a remote dashboard that will allow you to get real-time insight into the performance of your team. You should get to see how much time is spent on what application and task. Selecting one particular department or user is also easier with software like this.

View of the Activity

Every business organization has a set of goals to achieve daily or for some stipulated time. For that, there are some pre-determined activities that the team should do. With task management software like this, you should be able to see the activity of the team. As the manager, you should be able to see the total working hours, the application used time of employees being online, and so on. This will give you an idea about how efficiently the work is managed by the team every day. 

AI Integration for Enhanced Efficiency

There is no point in the data and information collected by the software if there is no way to use these inputs for enhancing the efficiency of your team. And that is where Artificial Intelligence comes into the picture. Finding out the pain points and addressing them, monitoring user behavior and getting a pattern out of it, getting to know where you need to upskill your staff, all can be streamlined easily with the help of AI. 

Unflinching Privacy

When implementing the task management or project management software in a work environment, most of the time, employers get resistance from the employees as the employees think that the software will compromise their privacy. So, when you are getting the right project management software, make sure that it offers unflinching privacy to the staff.

Reporting content of a different application, keystrokes made or random screenshots can seriously breach employee privacy that will reflect on the company’s image. So, ensure that the software you are investing in as an employer, doesn’t compromise with the sensitive information of your employees. After all, you don’t want to snoop around on your employee but want to enhance productivity. 

So, now as you know about the key features you will need to look for in the project management software you will be investing in for your team, what are you waiting for? Find out about the right software and the packages they offer and subscribe today.

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