Home IT Industry 4 million Views on YouTube Money

4 million Views on YouTube Money

by Soft2share.com

How much money will you get per view on YouTube?

It would be excellent if you could estimate the amount of ad revenue you have made everytime someone watched your video, but sadly you can’t because YouTube algorithms are more complicated; you can calculate YouTube money per view revenue in averages.

A good rule of thumb is that on YouTube, those getting more viewership make more money than those with less viewership. Also, a lot depends on the category of your video and content, your niche, and even your location.

A category on education or informative content gets more viewership than prank cling content because AdSense is an auction-based advertising engine. And some keywords that advertisers bid on are worthful content rather than others. Other factors in calculating revenue based on video views are just some people don’t see or skip ads. Over 40% of users block ads. This is growing and will impact the creator’s earnings. Over 50 million YouTube premium users pay monthly subscription fees and do not see ads on YouTube videos because of subscription. Creators get paid based on how many YouTube Premium users watch their videos. 

So, how many views do you need to have on YouTube to make money?

On 1,000 views, you can make between $2 and $12.

Data analysis from the Google AdSense calculator and self-reported earnings from creators across industries show that ad revenue is six times higher if your video is in such a category with profitable keywords, and your viewers do not skip or block ads.

 Cost per mile ranges (CPM) can range between $4 and $24 depending on the industry and region/location. But remember that 1000 views are not the same as 1000 ad views. There is a good thumb rule on YouTube that only half of your views will be monetized. Around $5 to $7 per 1000 views can be the average across the YouTube industry. The calculation is done per video, so the posting schedule should be an excellent way to make more money.

On 1,00,000 views, you can make between $120 and $800.

So, just because your channel is getting more subscribers and growing does not mean your revenue will also scale linearly with it. Because not all channels can be engaging when the audience is watching the videos only half, or they are not watching the video after the ad pops. So these practical problems can put your CPM somewhere between $1.2 and $8, but if the viewership is 100,000, you can get $120 to $800.

On 1,000,000 views, you can make between $1,200 and $6,000

Getting a million views on YouTube is the dream of every creator. After reaching this milestone, you can call yourself an authentic influencer, and with your audience, you can monetize in many ways, aside from running ads and sponsorship on your channel. Always think about influencer marketing channels for your membership, sell online courses or do giveaways or donations. 

Once you grow, this big YouTube starts giving you a fix earning up to $6 per 1000 views; it’s unlikely that your CPM would fall; this means your estimated earnings can be $1,200 to $600 for every million views on the video you post. When you start posting consistently and grow over a million views per video, you can say you are making enough money and can turn YouTube into your full-time job or career.

But how much money can you make on 4 million views on a YouTube?

If one has 1,000,000 views, one is getting between $1,200 to $6000; how will you get on 4 million views? The answer is








If we multiply 1,000,000 views money by $1,200 to $6000 *4, you will get $4,800 to $24000 on one video viewership. On 4 million views, you can be monetized between $4,800 to $24000.


Many creators on YouTube have more than 4 million viewership and are thriving. YouTube earnings are constant, but this takes a lot of effort and dedication to create high-quality content regularly. Audience loyalty also helps in earning money on this platform. And, one day, you can become the wealthiest YouTuber just because of hard work, big dreams, and consistency.

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