Home Law 5 Common Misconceptions About Criminal Lawyers

5 Common Misconceptions About Criminal Lawyers

by Soft2share.com

Many people avoid hiring a criminal defence lawyer because of some myths. It’s no different for criminal lawyers in Saskatchewan.

Apparently, these misconceptions stem from various sources, including:

  • Media portrayal
  • Limited knowledge
  • Experience with the legal system
  • & Personal biases

However, they ensure defendants receive a fair trial, and that the law is upheld.

Let’s dig into the 5 prevailing misconceptions about criminal lawyers, so you know why they are essential to the justice system.

  1. Criminal Lawyers Defend Criminals

Criminal lawyers are legal professionals who represent individuals accused of committing a crime. But this does not mean they defend criminals by condoning or supporting criminal behaviour.

In fact, criminal lawyers must follow the law and ensure that their clients receive a fair trial and fair treatment, regardless of whether or not they are guilty of the crime they have been accused of.

This means that criminal lawyers may also represent individuals falsely accused of a crime and work to clear their name and protect their rights.

  1. Criminal Lawyers Are Only Interested in Winning

While it is true that criminal lawyers work hard to defend their clients and try to win their cases, their primary goal is not simply to win at all costs.

Criminal lawyers are bound by professional and ethical standards that require them to act in the best interests of their clients while upholding the law.

This means that criminal lawyers must provide their clients with honest and accurate advice about the strength of their case, the potential outcomes of the case, and any potential risks or consequences of different legal strategies.

  1. Criminal Lawyers Are Expensive

One common misconception is that criminal lawyers are always expensive and only affordable to wealthy individuals. While it’s true that some criminal lawyers charge high fees, many lawyers are affordable and provide quality legal representation.

Actually, the cost of a criminal lawyer will depend on several factors: experience, the complexity of a case, the amount of time required to work on the case, and the geographic location of the lawyer’s practice. Considering that some lawyers will charge a flat fee for their services, and others charge an hourly rate.

Furthermore, in many jurisdictions, defendants who cannot afford a lawyer can apply for court-appointed counsel at no cost or a reduced fee. This is especially true in criminal cases where the defendant faces jail time or other serious consequences.

  1. Criminal Lawyers Are Only for Serious Crimes

Another common misconception is that criminal lawyers are only necessary for serious crimes such as murder, rape, or drug trafficking. In reality, criminal lawyers can provide legal representation for various criminal charges, from minor traffic violations to more serious felonies.

Criminal lawyers are trained and experienced in navigating the criminal justice system, understanding criminal law and procedures, and developing strategies to protect a client’s rights and interests. They can provide legal advice, negotiate plea deals, represent clients in court, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients, regardless of the severity of the charges.

In fact, hiring a criminal lawyer for even minor charges can be beneficial, as they can help to mitigate the consequences and potentially avoid a criminal record. Additionally, a criminal lawyer can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the legal process, which can be stressful and overwhelming for those unfamiliar.

  1. Criminal Lawyers Only Work in Court

Criminal lawyers can represent clients in court, but their work extends far beyond the courtroom.

Criminal lawyers play a crucial role in the pre-trial phase, which involves investigating the facts of the case, gathering evidence, and developing a defence strategy. They may negotiate with prosecutors to try to reduce charges and seek a plea bargain or a deferred prosecution agreement. Sometimes, they may also try to get the charges dismissed or reduced altogether.

Criminal lawyers also provide legal advice and guidance to their clients throughout the legal process. They help clients understand their legal rights and obligations, explain the potential consequences of a criminal conviction, and assist them in making informed decisions about their cases.

Furthermore, criminal lawyers work with many professionals outside the courtroom, such as investigators, forensic experts, and mental health professionals. They also collaborate with other lawyers and legal professionals, such as paralegals, legal assistants, and law clerks.


Criminal lawyers play an essential role in the criminal justice system as they ensure that individuals accused of crimes receive fair and just treatment under the law.

Although there are some misconceptions about their profession, such as the belief that they only defend criminals or are only interested in winning, the reality is that criminal lawyers need to be there for legal representation. And they provide guidance to a wide range of clients and work tirelessly to protect a client’s rights and interests.

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