Home Digital Marketing 5 Great Benefits of Using Instagram for Your Real Estate Business

5 Great Benefits of Using Instagram for Your Real Estate Business

by Soft2share.com

With millions of active users on Instagram; it would be very unwise for a real estate agent who does not have an Instagram account. Whether you’re in the entertainment, food, medical or real estate industries, consumers nowadays prefer following their favorite businesses through social media including Instagram.

Instagram is a social media platform used to create and share visual content stories as an individual or a business. Instagram is a very easy app to use, so why not use it as a marketing strategy for your practice. This easy-to-use app can help promote your business, product or service. Below are 5 excellent ways Instagram can help grow your business:

1) Improves SEO – Helps to Increase Traffic to Your Website or Business: SEO is very crucial when it comes to wanting your business to rank higher in search engines like Google or Bing. With the help of Instagram, you can easily include your website’s link in not only your bio area but also when you post on your feed and on your Instagram stories.

Not to mention, having a link from your Instagram account will give you a good high-quality backlink. You can even hire an SEO agency to help you with your SEO related stuff so, you can save your time and do other important things.

2) Reaches New Audiences: Instagram makes it easy to discover new photos, new people and new businesses. One of the popular ways that people discover new content is through the use of hashtags. Hashtags are one of the great features Instagram offers; it’s a type of label to make it easy for users to find content within the specific category.

3) Easily Connect with Your customers: Instagram is a great platform to connect with your current and future customers almost instantly. With millions of active Instagram users to date, Instagram engagement trumps all other platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

With such high engagement, Instagram is the perfect place to connect with customers, listen to their feedback and build solid relationships through conversations.

4) Generate Sales and Make Money: There is more to just promoting and highlighting your real estate services when you use Instagram. It also is used fordriving sales and potentially new customers. In addition to adding your website link in your bio, add a direct link to make an appointment – making it easier for the potential patient to direct book your services.

5) Free Advertising: Advertising can get pricey! But, with the use of Instagram, you can easily get brand exposure without spending a penny. With consistency, the use of hashtags, and engagement, you can be the forefront of all your competitors.

That said, Instagram is a social media platform you want to consider when building up your online social presence. It is an excellent tool for promoting your real estate practice and gaining new customers for the upcoming New Year.

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