Home Digital Marketing 5 Popular Blog Niches That Can Drive Traffic and Make Money in 2020

5 Popular Blog Niches That Can Drive Traffic and Make Money in 2020

by Soft2share.com

There are a lot of blogs out there. The Internet is full of them. While you have enjoyed a blog or two every once in a while (okay, maybe many, every day); you probably haven’t thought about you making a living blogging. Why not though? It is one of the many creative ways of earning money online and offline. There are so many people who have started blogs and are successful in generating revenue. If they are doing it, why can’t you do the same thing? However, in a sea full of content, you may not feel like you even know where to begin. Whether you are looking for extra money or looking to make a full-time career out of writing online, many types of blog niches that make money exist. If you need help with ideas for such blogging niches, keep reading for the type of blogs that make money!

Start a Craft Blog

Are you good at crafts? Believe it or not, crafting is a huge blogging niche, especially on Pinterest. People enjoy visual blogs, and you have the opportunity to create some great content with a craft blog. Be it quilting or embroidery or origami, you can display your completed projects, post DIY tutorials, or even share tips.  As crafting is one of the most photogenic blog niches out there, a lot of people—even people who are not into crafts—follow these blogs to get inspired. Think about how stressful a person’s day is; looking through the pictures of pretty handmade projects can be very soothing.

How can a craft blog make money, though? Use a combination of ads, affiliated marketing, and sell custom orders on Etsy to drive in traffic and money.

Are You a Parent? Blog About It

Being a parent is not an easy job (but we love our babies). If you are a parent, blog about your experience. All of the material is right in front of you. There’s always an audience too. New moms pop up everywhere, and they are all looking for advice, products, and more to help their own journey. There are so many topics that you can cover with this blogging niche. There are many moms out there who would love to have an assistant when it comes to their own pregnancy. By giving tips online, you are also offering them a personal support system. And through products, ads, and affiliation, this is one of the types of blogs that makes money in 2020!

Health and Wellness Blogs

When you think about ideas for blog niches, keep in mind that health and wellness are great topics to blog about. In fact, they’re realistically the best blogs to start. Everyone wants to be healthy; there are people around the world who are looking for ways to improve their lifestyle. Whether someone is looking for advice on how to go vegan or recipes that are low in carbs, health wellness is a blog niche they turn to. For people who have diabetes, talking to the doctor isn’t enough. They want someone who they can relate to and that’s why health and wellness blogs are such a great idea.

Bloggers can make money through sponsored content, ads, affiliated marketing, and homemade products. Whether it’s honey that you grow yourself or a cookbook that you’ve put together, you can find products to sell to go along with your blog.


Everyone loves food. Everyone needs food. Whether your food blog features all of the sushi restaurants in your area or you showcase the best burgers, people are going to want to see that. Food blogging is one of the blogging niches that can also make money. Through ads, sponsored content, and even meetups, you can make money by blogging about your favorite food because there’s a good chance it’s someone else’s favorite food as well.

How to Save Money

As you know, things are expensive. You try to be frugal when you can, and so are a lot of people. This is why it is a good topic to blog about. There are so many people out there looking for tips to help them live frugally or, at the very least, save a little money. While you might be asking, how you can make extra money by blogging about saving money, there is a way. Affiliate marketing is a good way for a blogger to make money on this topic.

No matter what you are looking to blog about, chances are that there are ways to make money from it. It is better to pick a blogging niche than have a generic blog. By focusing on one niche, you are allowing yourself to become an expert that will draw more people. More people visiting your site mean more traffic, which generally means more money. Find out what niche you would like to dedicate your blog to and have fun!

Author Bio: Emily Standley provides creative entrepreneurs, small businesses and bloggers with expert website strategies and resources to grow a more powerful online presence and build a better business from anywhere. Her philosophy is: “If your website’s not making money, it’s wasting your time”.

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