More and more people are switching to an Organic Cotton Towel Set as they realize the value of organic cotton versus inorganic cotton.
If you are also thinking in this direction, but have not quite made up your mind then here are 5 signs that might help you take the decision today:
You End Up Buying Towels Quickly
Conventional towels are made from inorganically cultivated and harvested cotton. This cotton is processed at a plant and undergoes a chemical treatment that is expected to extend the life of the towel and withstand regular washing. However, in practical terms, the chemicals actually end up destroying the natural, protective properties of cotton, thus indirectly causing quicker overall deterioration.
Therefore, you will find yourself buying towels again and again; and this will prompt you to think it is time to buy an organic towel set towels, not just as a stop gap measure, but as a permanent solution.
Your Skin Appears Red, Dry And Flaky
Over a period of time, even a moderate use of conventional bath towels can cause a reaction with your skin and make it appear physically agitated. If you have a sensitive skin, this can lead to redness and dryness. Conventional towels are treated with harsh and toxic chemicals at different stages – during, before and after cultivation that makes them appear soft initially, but subsequent washing strips them of their natural properties of softness.
On the other hand, an organic cotton towel set retains its natural properties and keeps your skin happy & healthy.
You Have Started Using Organic Bedding
Most folks begin their first experience with organic cotton either in the bedroom or in the bathroom. In case you have started using organic bedding such as organic cotton pillow covers, organic cotton duvet covers or organic cotton sheets, you would have already started experiencing its benefits – a good night’s sleep, no itchiness or dryness and uninterrupted sleep.
It is now time to take this experience to the bathroom and start using an organic cotton towel set.
Ecology And Sustainability Are Close To Your Heart
Research shows that people who care about the environment are twice as likely to purchase an organic cotton product as others. If you understand and appreciate the significance of organic cotton, then you belong to this group and are most likely to make the switch to organic.
The easiest place to start is your home and with an organic cotton towel set. The more you use the towel set on your skin, the greater are the chances that you will experience its benefits first hand.
You Get A Positive Feedback From Your Peers And Friend Circle
People tend to be influenced when they hear about experiences of other folks, especially those who are in their friend circle. Advertisements and promotions don’t seem to work as much as human experience that is first hand and authentic. If someone from your group is using organic cotton towel set and has had a positive response, then you are most likely to make the switch too.
If you are a champion of sustainability and wish to make a small contribution to improve life on Earth, then switching to an organic cotton towel set is the first step in that direction. This will be a clear sign that you support the green cause, buy sustainable products and support organic farming and will automatically set a precedent for others to follow and play a role in the reduction of greenhouse gases.
For more information about Organic Cotton Bath Mat and Organic Cotton Bed Sheets Please visit : Letters From Bosphorus.