Home General tips 5 tips for creating a stylish and practical workspace

5 tips for creating a stylish and practical workspace

by Soft2share.com

Whilst a great deal of the creative process happens in your head – having a well designed and visually stimulating workspace can help inspiration to flow. This can also make it easier to create new and interesting ideas.

Luckily, giving your office, studio or bedroom a makeover is easy and affordable; all you need is a small budget and a lot of imagination.


  1. De-clutter

There are few things that will help you think more clearly than a clutter free space. Although it can be tempting to surround yourself with inspirational images, ornaments or books; having clean, clear walls and clutter free surfaces will be a lot more relaxing and give your mind the room to expand.

Whilst this doesn’t mean you have to get rid of all of your wall art or decorative features, it’s a good idea to sort through everything in your workspace. Thinking about what you really need and what could be sent to a local charity shop can be really beneficial.

  1. Use antiques to give the space character

 Whether you’re creating paintings, images, films or written works – inspiration has to come from somewhere and having beautifully designed antiques in your workspace could be just what you need to get your creative juices flowing.

If you’re unsure about how to use antiques in your space, there are lots of design resources online to explore. Many design ideas will give you fantastic ideas for bringing classic furnishings and designs into your workspace.

  1. Think about lighting

Having a light airy place to work will make you feel more relaxed and more motivated to work. If your workspace lacks natural light, try investing in large antique feature lamps to illuminate the space and transform its overall look.

Having a space that looks completely different at night can also help to keep your brain stimulated. This can help you to come up with innovative ideas throughout your working day.

  1. Invest in good quality furniture

 A solid, well made desk and comfortable chair can make a huge difference to a creative workspace. Whether you choose antique furnishings or high end modern pieces, you’ll find that creating innovative and unique work will be a lot easier if you’re sitting comfortably.

Before you invest in your new office furniture, think about how high your desk and chair needs to be in order for you to sit naturally and work without difficulty.

  1. Invest in storage

 Whilst storage may not be the most exciting part of furnishing a workspace, it is one of the most essential. Without adequate storage, your work, files and important documents can easily become lost or damaged.

Luckily, there are lots of stylish, affordable and practical storage options out there to choose from – making it easy to find the solution that’s right for you.

If you have specialist storage needs, it might be worth talking to other people working in the creative industries. Here you can find out how they store their work and whether there’s an affordable bespoke option available.

Putting time, money and thought into your workspace can have huge benefits down the line. These benefits include; helping you to stay focused, get inspired and most importantly, create stunning works that you can be truly proud of.



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