Home Apps 6 Compelling Reasons for Having a Mobile App for Your Business Needs

6 Compelling Reasons for Having a Mobile App for Your Business Needs

by Soft2share.com

Mobile apps have become an integral part of any business if you want to sustain a growing revenue. The growth of app economy is evident from the fact that there are over 3.6 million apps on Google Play Store and this figure is only increasing. A big chunk of the population owns a smartphone these days and data suggests that 90% of the time spent by them is on various apps. To benefit your business, having a mobile app plays a significant role. Here are a few reasons why your business benefits from having a mobile app.

Establish Relationship with Your Audience

You can easily build a relationship with your audience irrespective of whether they remember your web address or not through an app. Once your app is installed on their smartphone, you are always just a click away.

Marketing and Communication Channel

The app works as an effective marketing and communication channel. You can launch your promotional campaigns through these and offer bonuses and discounts. As the messages are communicated directly to the customers through these apps, they are more likely to read and act.

Engage with Your Customers

The mobile apps pose the perfect opportunity to interact with customers in real-time. Having a regular connect with your customers is important for running a successful business. You can keep telling your customers of an upcoming product launch or a promotional offer or can take an opinion poll to help you improve on your processes and products. It even allows your customers to provide their feedback, which can be a review, some valid suggestion that can help you improve or a complaint about your product or services. It helps in keeping the communication channel open between you and your customers. You can utilise these feedbacks to pacify and retain an agitated customer by offering your apology and giving some freebies. In the absence of any communication, it would have resulted in a loss of this and many more customers.

Enhance Customer Loyalty

Many times, people order through the same app as they want to utilise the various discounts or bonuses that are on offer. This helps in increasing both loyalty and your brand visibility. For example, today anyone wanting to book a cab uses Uber or Ola app, whereas someone wanting to book a table in a restaurant opts for Dineout app as they know they will be getting some discount, a one plus one option or any other freebie. You can make use of personalization tools by sending push-notifications about any new promotion, bonus or discount offer. You can also design some exclusive offers for those who install your app and order through it.

Expand Your Customer Base

As your app is on various app stores like Google and Apple, you get noticed by many more than your regular customers. The app marketing agency that you have hired should work on SEO guides for mobile apps and make your app visible on these stores and other platforms. If the app marketing services work on integrating it with social media, then it increases your reach and visibility to a much larger audience and you are more likely to enhance your customer base.

Business Processes Optimization

These apps help not only to interact with your customers but you can also use them for in-house employees’ interactions. They can be used for exchanging data, monitoring and managing various business processes, aggregating certain statistics etc. among the employees regardless of the location where they are working from. When everyone on the team have access to data despite being present in different geographies, it helps in coordinating better.

Works as a Source of Valuable Analytics

The mobile apps double up as an excellent source of getting valuable data. The app marketing agency collects a lot of useful information from these apps, which can then be used for analytical purposes. It includes finding which products are hot favourites among your customers, how much time they spend on your app, the functions they like or dislike the most etc.

Understanding what your customers want is of paramount importance to sustain and succeed in any business. As the data you get from your app also provides details about their geolocation, demographics, interests and many other interesting statistics, you can take advantage of these to come out with products, services and offers to lure and motivate them to make a purchase.

Any business that wants to progress on the path of growth, development and success should stay tuned to the newest technologies. Adapting and responding to innovations quickly and efficiently is the key to march ahead. Having a mobile app will assist in realising these goals. It can be utilised as a tool to connect with your audience in a more personal manner.

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