Home Tech News 6 Immunity Boosters You Should Know About!

6 Immunity Boosters You Should Know About!

by Soft2share.com

Immunity is our main defense against colds and viral threats during the cold and flu season. A strong immune system also plays a very crucial role in preventing us from Covid-19 virus. There are all sorts of ways to strengthen it, but you need to understand that the immune system needs to be strengthened throughout the year. However, immunity can be stimulated by taking concentrated amounts of various vitamins and best natural supplements. 

What weakens our immunity?

Immunity is influenced by a number of factors, such as lack of sleep, poor diet, constant stress, being indoors, and lack of physical activity. Excessive physical activity also harms the body’s defenses.

  • Vitamin D

Adequate vitamin D in the body ensures that the immune cells respond appropriately to viruses, physical irritants, and bacteria.

The famous “sunny” vitamin, which we especially lack in autumn and winter! But its chronic deficiency is not forgiven not only by immunity, but also by the whole organism! Today it is known that vitamin D is associated with the prevention of more than 30 types of cancer. In addition, there is no doubt a direct link between a lack of vitamin D and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with heart attacks and strokes

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C should be taken daily as it is not produced by the body itself. It is recommended to take 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C per day. Do not be afraid of excessive consumption of vitamin C, as this vitamin is soluble in water and quickly excreted from the body. This vitamin has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, and also promotes the synthesis of collagen, an important process for joints, tendons and skin. Vitamin C also protects cells from free radicals, promotes wound healing and strengthens blood vessel walls. It is also involved in the absorption of various minerals such as iron. Find the best online herbal supplement store to buy Vitamin C supplements and other natural supplements. 

  • Vitamin B6

Like vitamin C, it is a water-soluble vitamin that must be taken daily. This vitamin contributes to the effective functioning of the immune system by participating in the biochemical reactions of the body. 

  • Vitamin E

A very powerful antioxidant that protects the cells of the body including the immune, so this vitamin is essential to boost immunity. 

  • Zinc 

This chemical element is part of more than 300 enzymes and takes part in all types of metabolism. Zinc can be safely called a “driver” for our immunity. Its deficiency increases the body’s vulnerability to colds. Zinc works especially effectively in combination with vitamin C, forming a powerful duet that stimulates the body’s defenses. Use a chelated zinc form for better assimilation by the body.

  • Probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are a system of microflora in the body and are directly related to the processes occurring in the body, since immunity begins in the intestines. These are bacteria that produce active substances to support the immune system and prevent the growth of disease-causing pathogens. Probiotics also provide healthy intestinal lining to absorb active substances and vitamins the body needs. Probiotics are recommended for prophylactic purposes to strengthen immunity in the form of a course – 2-3 weeks. It is also advisable to take them after taking antibiotics, as antibiotics kill both bad and good bacteria.

Prebiotics are fiber that provides microflora regeneration and nutrition. It is advisable to take them daily to ensure the active action of the probiotics.

Herbal supplement remedies:

Immunity can be strengthened with various herbal supplement remedies and herbal medicine. They can be used prophylactically as well as in the early stages of the disease to relieve and shorten the disease. There are a number of online herbal supplement stores you can visit to find various other immunity booster supplements that can help to strengthen immunity.

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