Home Health 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips That’ll Transform Your Skin

6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips That’ll Transform Your Skin

by Soft2share.com

Aging is a natural process that can not be reversed. Many factors involve aging, some in our control and others not so much. With time our skin loses its youthfulness and gets thinner. Apart from this, lifestyle and environment play a significant role in premature aging. Especially in cities like Delhi, stress and pollution are major triggers that speed up the process. A visit to the dermatologist can end up in shelling out hefty money. With Bajaj Finserv Health card, you receive attractive discount offers and a convenient payment solution accepted everywhere.

Before you make an appointment, here are six tips that can transform your skin in no time.

Go For A Mild Face Wash

After a long day from work, the first thing we want to do is to get rid of all the makeup and dirt quickly. You may think that using an acne face wash or a fancy one will make your skin squeaky clean. But these face washes not only remove the dirt but natural oils that maintain your skin’s barrier. Hence, choose a gentle cleanser without ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate. Almost every skin specialist in Delhi will recommend a non-comedogenic cleanser that includes green tea or a milder constituent of salicylic acid. This way, you will keep acne at bay without irritating your skin.

Never Skip SunScreen

Sun damage is a big culprit in visible signs of aging on the skin. In fact, it has its own name in dermatology -Photoaging.UV rays from the sun can break down skin’s collagen leading to thinner skin with pigmentation. Surprisingly, even after knowing the harmful effect of UV rays, most women skip applying sunscreen. Reason being that they do not step out for long durations or stay at home most times. Regardless of where you are, daily sun protection is vital for youthfulness. Go for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Include Retinol in your Skincare

With time, skin tends to lose collagen naturally. Collagen is a kind of protein that keeps our skin tight and uniform. Visible lines and creases are a sign that you might be losing collagen rapidly. The best solution to date for the same is using retinoids religiously. Many skin specialists in Delhi recommend using retinoids in the late twenties or early thirties. It is advisable to make your skin adapt to retinoids by slowly increasing the frequency of application. For instance, begin using it two to three times a week and take it up to nightly applications as your skin starts adjusting to it.

Use Chemical Exfoliants

Our skin has the superpower of regeneration; that is, dead skin cells replace themselves with newer ones. Usually, a new layer gets created every 28 days. But as we age, the process slows down significantly, making our skin look dull, uneven with dry patches. Exfoliation is a great way to remove dead skin buildup and brighten the complexion. Always consider chemical exfoliants rather than physical ones. Steer away from products made up of plastic microbeads or harsh substances such as sugar. These can irritate and sag your skin. Choose alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) exfoliants such as glycolic acid that even fade pigmentation and provides hydration.

Keep Track of Your Diet

Our skin is a reflection of what is happening inside of our body. For healthy and youthful skin, it is vital to eat food full of nutrients and fiber. Many of us consume junk and sugar excessively in our daily lives. Sometimes, it happens due to lack of time, and other times we do not even check the ingredients. Start small and take steps towards clean eating that includes raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid alcohol as much as you can and limit your sugar intake. These can dehydrate your body and increase the aging process. Eat foods rich in vitamin C and proteins for building collagen.

Take Help of Anti Aging Treatments

Dermatology has advanced rapidly in recent years. You might want to consider visiting a specialist to treat severe pigmentation or visible aging signs. Many treatments or procedures come under cosmetic surgery, and a Bajaj finserv health card provides flexible payment options for it. Usually, chemical peels are popular for removing wrinkles and age spots. During a chemical peel, acid is used for peeling the skin’s outermost layer. Similarly, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion procedures remove the topmost layer of skin. Apart from these, fractional laser treatment focuses on stimulating newer skin growth. Your skin requires a week or two after most of these procedures to heal.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of our skin is a part of self-care that makes us feel good. You must understand that aging is a part of our lives that we can not escape. The focus should be on maintaining your health and slowing down the process. Embrace aging and take the newer challenges gracefully. Your lines resemble the smiles and tears you experienced in your life that are worth more than looking youthful.

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