Home Architects 8 Ways How BIM Can Benefit Your Business

8 Ways How BIM Can Benefit Your Business

by Soft2share.com

In case you were not aware, BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. However, if you work in the construction industry, you cannot afford not having heard about BIM. This approach is changing and improving the way how projects are done. It is in your business’s interest to find the best way to deliver a great end product, so if you still have not implemented BIM into your operations, we are here to show why this is a great idea. Take a look.

It improves communication and collaboration

Using BIM makes sharing important project data much easier. This approach uses cloud technology which makes it easier for multiple people to access the content and give their input. Being able to have an overview of all elements helps reduce fragmentation. Seeing as how everything is on the cloud, drawings and models can be reviewed from anywhere and all changes are instantly saved. That means that every project is up to date at any time, which results in better communications and fewer errors. There are useful tools which allow different teams to coordinate their work in order for the concept to be finalized before the construction process begins.

It has efficient cost estimation methods

In the construction industry, using cost estimators is nothing uncommon. This is necessary for planning a cost-effective construction. Therefore, opting for BIM is great as its tools can help by focusing on factoring risks and construction assemblies among other higher value factors. Plus, these tools automate this time-consuming task, which is always great for being more efficient.

It can capture reality

In the modern world, we have great technology which has provided us with things such as mapping tools, aerial imagery and laser scans of infrastructure. All of these amazing developments now allow us to create a realistic picture of how the project will turn out. This can also help streamline the entire preparation process by compiling all the input and creating a digital model – something that cannot be done on paper.

It lets you visualize the project

Similar to the previous benefit, BIM allows you to use 3D visualizations and space-use simulations to see how the project will look before any construction starts. This is an amazing opportunity to show your clients the space and let them express their opinions and whether they would like something to be changed. Being able to make corrections in time will save you a lot of time and money.

It helps resolve conflict

The fact that BIM takes into account every aspect of the project means that it can detect potential problems. It will notice when there is a clash of elements, such as beams that obstruct electrical wiring or plumbing. Relying on a wide variety of Autodesk software can help you discover these issues early on, which means that you will not have to do any rushed on-site improvisation.

It reduces time and effort needed

The design and construction process consists of many parts and many different teams working on their own assignment. This amount of data can often be overwhelming and difficult to combine into one single plan. BIM tools are very useful here as they create a database of all the relevant files. This makes any changes that need to be put into the project much more inexpensive and easier. Automating these steps will make the whole process much faster, which will, of course, result in saved time and effort as well as money.

It allows you to stay in control

We mentioned already how everything is instantly saved on the cloud. This autosave option lets you breathe easy as you will not have to deal with corruption or any mysterious disappearances of files. You know that you will not waste any time and this is definitely good for your productivity.

It improves safety

By indicating potential hazards, BIM tools can help you avoid accidents on the construction site. Safety evaluations will ensure that there will be no problems during the project. Furthermore, it also increases the quality of the building as it identifies structural deficiencies, which impacts the safety of the end product.

As you can see, BIM provides us with many benefits. In order for your company to experience them, think about implementing BIM into your operations as soon as possible.

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