A good credit score is required for credit cards, personal loans, vehicle, and home loans. However, you can suffer a lot with loan options if you have a bad credit score.
So, keeping your credit score good by developing healthy credit habits can help you a lot in your finances. These are the easy steps that will help you improve your cibil score and history quickly:
1. Pay every bill on time.
Timely repayment of your loan amount is essential. Your card scores can even decrease if you pay your monthly credit card or loan payments late even a few times. So, it is advisable to ensure you pay at least the minimum owed to increase your creditworthiness.
2. Use less credit.
The percentage of credit card limit that you are using is called your credit utilization ratio. It would affect your credit score severely if it is more than 30 percent. The highest credit score owners routinely use under 10 percent of their credit, as shown by several studies.
Do not always pay through your credit card; using it too much will increase your credit utilization ratio. Use a different payment method whenever possible. Pay the balance on your card, as not paying it adds to your utilization ratio. If you’re struggling with high-interest debt, you can consider consolidating your credit card debt at a lower interest rate. Try paying more than once a month if your ratio is too high. You can consider paying your balance twice a month instead of just once.
3. Request an increase to your credit limits.
Since your credit utilization ratio is the portion of your credit that you’re actually using, you can consider requesting an increase to your credit limits.
However, you should remember that requesting an increase to your credit limit might start a hard inquiry to your credit reports. Your credit score can be affected in the short term, but if you keep your spending the same or lower and continue with good credit habits, it should quickly go back to normal.
4. Leave your old cards open.
Generally, it takes time to build a good credit score. Potential lenders want to see that if you have been responsible for debt through your credit history. This evidence can be offered by the credit cards that you’ve been carrying for years.
Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully before closing an old credit card. Your old card contributes towards a better credit score even if you have not been using it for a long time. Also, closing it can make it seem that you are newer to the credit world. However, you should consider any annual fees when weighing your options.
5. Stay vigilant.
Once you are on the right track, it is simply about dedicating time and patience to build great credit. However, it is essential to keep track of your progress as you go.
You should keep a record of your credit score. These days, many credit card companies offer the facility of taking a look at your score every single month online and on your statement, free of cost. Many will even alert you of any critical change from one month to another.
Secondly, check your report regularly. You are legally entitled to view your free reports each year from the three credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
You should keep in mind that mistakes on credit reports are common, but they can cost you valuable credit score points. It is advisable to investigate and double-check that your data is correct.
If you find an error or suspect scam, contact the credit office to discuss the data. Every agency is obligated by law to remove false information from your report.