Home Business A Guide: How to Choose a Minimalist Living Room Design?

A Guide: How to Choose a Minimalist Living Room Design?

by Soft2share.com

Decorating any part of the house is just one of the challenging parts to do so, especially in the living room. We tend to choose over one design that gives us options that sometimes can either help us or sometimes distract us. Because of so many options to choose from, we even combine these that result in a “not so good” design - over decoration in the simplest term.

Well, when deciding the look, you want to achieve in your living room, all aspects you put must go very well. From color to furniture and all the things you want to put gives you that sense of satisfaction.

Today, minimalist design rules and may suit the taste you have when decorating. It might look simple, yet the vibe it gives is surely outstanding. Aside from that, having a minimalist look will not spoil the mood you want your room to have, thus will complement any situations you have.

Giving you some valuable ideas on how to choose the best decorations, here are some tips on how to bring out the best in your living room area. Check this out!

Decorating Tips for a Minimalist but Functional Living Room

When decorating, there are couples of options that you need to consider for you to achieve the look you want. Even minimalist designs require a lot of effort and that is why here are some tips to achieve that simple yet appealing room design.

  • Consider The Space

For some instances, small-spaced living and minimalist designs work well together. You don’t need to put so much and will just settle on a mini sofa or accent chairs and even a mini coffee table and frame on the wall.

For wide-spaced living areas, you can put twice of these pieces of furniture and add more that will complement the overall look you want. Yet always remember that don’t make the area congested as it will surely not good to look at.

  • Monochrome Color Theme

Minimalist designs mean simple colors. When decorating your living area, you don’t need to make it too colorful as it will break the mood you want to achieve. Thus, you just need 2 to 3 colors that surely complement each other. 

White, Black and Gray are just some colors that look minimalist when combined. Not just paint your wall with these colors, you could also choose curtains to go that comes with these colors or with some monochrome hues. 

  • Settle with Simple Items

Choosing things to put like decorations is also important. Shapes, designs, and quality are the aspects that you need to have attention to achieve a minimalist look in your living area.

The details of these decorations somehow give that eye-catchy feeling to everyone who sees them.

Vases, lamps, pillows, made-to-measure curtains, and even floor mats are some things you might choose. Always remember that you must settle on items that don’t look extravagant, for simplicity comes next to minimalism.

If you want to add and to know where to buy accent chairs as furniture that will surely compliment your living area, you can visit the link here.

  • Pick The Right Lights

Lights as the finishing touch are also important. It gives your living area a more appealing look, especially with lights that complement the overall appearance of the area. It is good to place lights on spots like corners and even on top of a painting to make the designs more dashing.

Aside from that, lights give life to the area especially when night time. That is why choosing the right lights is one to consider keeping the beautiful look of your living in the day even at night.


There are tons of options to choose from in the market. Numbers of designs that could easily attract our eyes in just a couple of seconds. Yet remember that upon choosing the right one, you must consider the fact that it goes well with the other stuff you will put.

These tips are here to guide you upon choosing. Thus, it is up to you to choose what you think suits the word “minimalist”. Well, always remember that minimalist is just a couple of spaces far from the word simple and that is what you must consider.

Achieve that minimalist but a functional living area to gain comments from others. Inspire them to try what it is like to have this type of approach and bring the best out of the simple yet appealing design.

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