Home Gaming A Review of the New Star Trek Game

A Review of the New Star Trek Game

by Soft2share.com

Games based on TV shows and films are nothing new, but the new Star Trek game has been more eagerly awaited than many. Hitting shops at around the same time as the new Star Trek film hits cinemas, the developers say the game has its own storyline and standalone plot separate from the big screen release.



The game sees Kirk and Spock being called to a space station which is being ripped apart. They soon discover that the Vulcans have been attempting to rebuild their old planet and are using a revolutionary new piece of technology which is malfunctioning. This piece of technology, the Helios device, has ripped a hole in space allowing the game’s enemy to enter the universe. Enemy Gorn needs to be stopped from getting hold of the Helios device which is where Kirk and Spock (and the gamer) come in. The storyline is long, complex and multi-layered, meaning there is lots of varied gameplay.


Star Trek is a third-person game running to well over ten hours, even played as quickly as possible, straight through. The player completes varied missions and is able to explore at leisure when desired. There are plenty of opportunities to change things within the game as play progresses, making this a fully interactive experience. Gamers can play as either Kirk or Spock and there is the option for co-operative gameplay. Two gamers can play together, completing tasks and achieving objectives in tandem. This adds an extra layer to the game and helps it feel fresh.

Hardcore Star Trek fans and newcomers alike will enjoy the varied gameplay, with the problem solving puzzles a particular highlight. This release will undoubtedly be one of the top selling PC games of early 2013 with a broad appeal to a wide range of gamers.

One for Trekkies

Although the gameplay is rich and entertaining enough to appeal to a variety of gamers, die-hard Star Trek fans will be most excited by this game. Fans of the TV and movie franchise will love exploring new planets and, best of all, the Enterprise. The game allows the player to walk around the Enterprise, visiting previously unseen crew quarters, lift shafts and the warp core as well as familiar areas such as the bridge. Gamers can also take a leisurely walk around New Vulcan and observe the re-building program. There are countless opportunities to interact with the in-game environment and immerse yourself in the Star Trek experience. While the game does offer enough to satisfy most gamers, it will become a real classic for Star Trek fans.

There is a great deal of entertaining banter between different characters, all of it voiced by the actors from the current crop of Star Trek movies, which Trekkies will love.

Sara Leigh is an experienced freelance writer with a passion for gaming. She keeps up to date with the latest top selling PC games and frequently reviews the latest releases and re-releases in the gaming world. An avid gamer for many years, she enjoys playing games from most genres.

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