When it comes to adoption, you have control over the assistance you want during the process. You can either opt for an agency or private adoption in Georgia.
During the agency adoption, a licensed organization is responsible for placing a child, whereas, in a private adoption, the process directly takes place between the birth parents and prospective adoptive parents under the supervision of an attorney. There are various other differences between the two. Read on to find a suitable option for your adoption situation.
Private Adoption Has Fewer Requirements
One of the advantages of private/independent adoption is that there is no additional requirement except for those set by the state. Finding a match only depends on the birth and the adoptive parents.
On the other hand, when you reach out to an agency for the adoption, they may set in place additional requirements beyond those specified by the state. If you fail to find a suitable agency for adopting a child in Georgia, you can always find an option for private adoption.
Agency Adoption Has Easier Matching Process
Unless you already have found the potential birth mother, private adoption can be a costly and risky procedure. An agency makes sure that the matching process goes smoother without disruptions, especially in the cases where the birth parent/s may back out at the last moment. Also, they ensure birth parents and adoptive parents are comfortable with each other.
Private Adoption Is More Flexible
As with the private adoption process in Georgia, the practices are less structured, so your profile will be shown to potential parents as soon as it is ready. It increases the chances of getting selected sooner than in agency adoption.
Generally, the agencies restrict the number of adoptive parents they are willing to work with, which can make you end up on a waiting list for months.
Agency Adoption Involves Counseling and Education
The adoption process can be confusing. If that’s the case, you will need counseling from the experts about the process to make it easier. It is very rare to find such support from an adoption attorney. Whereas, the agency has experts to work with parents for counseling. This can prove to be a valuable asset during the adoption process.
Private Adoption Has Involvement of Few People
The only person you need beyond birth parent/s is an attorney like Tom Tebeau. You won’t need any additional services, which makes the process simpler. The adoption attorney will finalize the process and deal with all the legal paperwork.
Another advantage is that the adoptive family has more control over how they want their relationship with the birth parents to be. It allows them to choose which services they want and have to pay for.
There are several pros and cons with both agency and private adoption in Georgia. You can choose the best fit depending on how comfortable you are with each adoption.
However, if you already have chosen the birth parent/s, private adoption will be a more suitable choice. But, if you need proper counseling, the preferable option is to choose an agency. Make the choice that you find suitable.
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