Home Country American Pride by Region

American Pride by Region

by Soft2share.com

Anybody who has even been to the US, and certainly anybody who lives here, knows very well that this large country is not only divided into states, but also into regions. Although across the country the signs of country pride in the form of American Flags and United States branded swag, there are distinct cultural differences. Each state, and each regions, has its own very unique qualities, and every region has its own varied and specific points of pride. These are just some of the things that make each major region of the United States distinctive and extraordinary.


The Midwest

The geographic heart of the United States is often overlooked by those living in other parts of the United States, especially coastal areas. In fact, many coastal citizens only see this part of the country from an airplane thousands of feet above the ground. However, not only is anybody who never sees the Midwest missing out,  in many ways those who never see the Midwest are not really seeing the country at all.

This region of the country is home to a long list of great American cities, from the classic skyscrapers of Chicago to the thriving art scene of Minneapolis, from the topnotch barbecue of Kansas City to the diverse epicurean treasures of Cincinnati. Anybody who have not seen what these cities have to offer are missing out on a huge part of what makes America what it is.

The South

Like many regions of the United States, the South has a hugely distinct culture that is still unmistakably American. Also, like many regions of the United States, the South is large and varied enough that it even a lifetime might not be enough to experience it all. In many parts of New Orleans, Louisiana, you can hear the music in the air, and in Atlanta, Georgia, you can visit the nerve center of that most American of icons: Coca Cola.

Though geographically in the Southeast, Florida is very much its own entity with almost as many tourist attractions, shopping and party destinations. Texas is as fiercely independent as any state, which you can tell by that iconic “Lone Star State” flag.

The Northeast

This is where it all began: the 13 original colonies. The narrow, winding streets of Manhattan’s Financial District are more reminiscent of a European city than just about anywhere else in the country, apart from maybe downtown Boston, Massachusetts. Maine is a place like no other, and there is a reason that the beaches of New Jersey are so popular.

The Southwest

There is plenty of natural beauty throughout the US, but for aesthetics it is difficult to compete with the desert vistas of New Mexico and Arizona. Here the colorful hues of canyons full of cacti and coyotes are beckoning. Colorado contains a majority of US land higher than 10,000 feet, and Nevada has some of the world’s best entertainment in the desert.

The West Coast

California is like a country in and of itself, with a widely varying array of world-class cities and wondrous natural landscapes. The Pacific Northwest, including vast stretches of Washington and Oregon, gives the Southwest stiff competition for ineffable natural splendor.



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