Home Marketing Animated Videos- The Heart and Soul of Video marketing

Animated Videos- The Heart and Soul of Video marketing

by Soft2share.com

It’s no secret that video marketing is quickly eating up the share of text-based marketing.

As of today, a video creates three times more consumer engagement than a blog.

However, what has created a major stir is the use of animation in creating video marketing content.

Animated videos have been found to create more engagement than live or explainer videos.

Let’s hover upon a few reasons why you should immediately include animated videos in your digital marketing strategy.

(1) The Attention Keeper

The sheer number of content available on the internet today has led to the consumer developing an impatient mindset when it comes to consuming content.

Creating animated videos for your target customer evokes emotions that they can very well resonate with. It encourages a customer to indulge in conversations regarding the content and thus make them follow your content.

It’s also more likely that the consumer would view animated videos as non-marketing content that is not here to sell something to them and so are likely to give more attention while consuming such content.

(2) The Simplifier

Another thing that that animated videos specialize in, is the manner in which they can communicate content to the consumers, in the least complicated manner.

An animated explainer video is a much better option than verbal explainer videos, when it comes to demonstrating the manner in which a certain app functions, as you can create a highly interactive and intuitive interface to demonstrate each and every aspect.

In a nutshell, adding animation and multimedia to your video content should be your go-to choice while explaining difficult things to your customer.

(3) The Viral Factor

Humour is one of the key factors to a video turning viral. This is because audiences love to be entertained and also want to share such kind of content with their close ones.

It is relatively easier to incorporate humour into animated videos by introducing funny characters, voices/tones, etc.

Another form of video content that has the potential to go viral frequently are “How to videos.” And animated videos are the best way to explain the operation of a certain product, service or app to the targeted customers.

(4) Nostalgia

Evoking nostalgic emotions in your customers is one of the most effective forms of marketing campaigns.

Videos that trigger a pleasant nostalgic emotion, help in removing all kinds of negative feelings and elate the customers current mood. As a final outcome, the consumer attaches these positive emotions with your brand.

The use of cartoons and animated characters in animated videos help in easily triggering such nostalgic emotions related to our childhood, and ultimately increase your brand engagement.

(5) Brand creation

Animated videos can also contribute immensely towards creating and enhancing your brand awareness.

You can always create particular animated characters having a certain appearance or speaking certain monologues, and include them in every animated video content you create.

You can also include certain color formats of musical tunes that can play before/after your animated videos

Gradually your customer would start to associate your brands with these characters.

(6) No more boring e-mail Campaigns

There has always been a very minimalistic scope when it comes to creating an e-mail campaign that is highly interactive and evokes engagement.

Let’s face it, text-based e-mails, at the most can inform your customer about a certain piece of content, but engagement is something they just can’t create.

Adding an animated video to your e-mail campaigns in place of texts can significantly increase the opening rate of your e-mails due to the greater customer engagement created by animated videos.

There is no doubt that videos are the next big thing in digital marketing. 

Therefore it’s crucial for your business to adapt the most effective form of video marketing i.e., animated videos into your digital marketing strategy.

The faster you do it, the more effective you become in creating greater engagement for your audience in the future.

Author Bio- Hi There, I am Shaun Williams, a content writer with Goodfirms, a research platform for Software development and Digital marketing companies, among many others. I enjoy communicating ideas and knowledge creatively and also ensure that the readers never suffer from boredom while reading my posts.

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