Home Apple Are Macs too Expensive?

Are Macs too Expensive?

by Soft2share.com

If you’re after a laptop which features that glowing Apple logo, you have a choice between the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.There’s no doubt that Apple comes with a hefty price tag, but, because of how innovative their technology is,legions of die-hard fans are willing to pay the extra to get their hands on the products sold by world’s most iconic brand.

If you are frustrated with Windows and looking for the latest laptop, we’ve put together a handy guide to help you decide if the extra cost of a Macbook is worth the premium price tag.



Neither the MacBook Pro or Air comes cheap and you may find yourself having to sell your older Macbook Promodel or other laptop in order to raise the funds. Prices range from Β£849 to Β£1,129 for the Air, while the Pro is will set you back a staggering Β£999 to over Β£2000, depending which version you opt for.

Size and look

Sleek and light with a durable aluminium shell, the MacBook Air weighs less than 3 pounds and could easily fit inside your handbag. In terms of style, it is streets ahead of its chunky rivals. The MacBook Pro is equally stylish but heavier and not so portable.

Fast Processors

The MacBook Air features fourth-generation Intel Core processors with Intel HD Graphics 5000 to ensure that everything is quicker. Even more powerful is the Pro with its dual-core and quad-core processors and superior graphics card. For gaming, photos and videos the Pro can’t be matched.

Battery Life

The MacBook Air boasts up to 12 hours of battery life, enough to take you through the entire working day. Whereas the Pro averages just 7 hours

Great software

Both models feature Mac OS X, which is touted as the world’s most advanced operation system. Whether this is true or not, Mac OS X is a user friendly system with a wealth of features including file management options, It is also compatible with software platforms such as Photo Shop and Office.

Wireless technology

Both feature built-in wireless capabilities with Wi-Fi speeds up to 3 times faster than previous MacBooks.

Retina display

This is one area where the MacBook Pro is streets ahead with its cutting edge Retina Display. The 15 inch MacBook Pro is the world’s highest-resolution notebook with over 5 million pixels and the 13 inch is not far behind with 4 million. Never will photos and videos be seen in such crystal-clear clarity and gaming will be taken to a new dimension with more detail than you thought possible.

DVD Drive

Unlike the Air, the MacBook Pro features a DVD Drive. If you purchase the Air, you’ll have to buy an external DVD drive.

When it comes to deciding between the MacBook Air or the Pro you are in for a difficult decision, do you go for the much hyped retina screen combined with the extra power of the Pro, or the cheaper price tag and sleek, lightweight finish of the Air? Whichever you choose, both the Pro and the Air are viable options for Apple users and will not disappoint.

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