Home Business Be in Demand: Increase your Car Company Revenue

Be in Demand: Increase your Car Company Revenue

by Soft2share.com

Whether you run an existing car firm or are just starting out, there are many unique ways to increase revenue and get your company noticed amidst the current competition. Here are a few key tricks of the trade guaranteed to get people talking and send business your way.


Ask customers for referrals

Write to existing customers thanking them for their recent transaction or interest in your service and ask them (politely) to recommend your company to a friend or neighbour. Respond to customers either via e-mail or snail mail and if you choose the latter method, try being creative by sending these referral cards in a colourful, stand-out envelope. This is a cheap means of creating free advertising and helps to encourage word of mouth in a friendly manner without seeming pushy.

Create a viral video

Viral videos are a creative way to influence potential clients at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Getting your point across in a humourous or abstract way will always get you noticed and can provide the lift-off your car firm needs.

If viral videos aren’t your style, you can always opt for self-promotion that is more direct in tone. Advertising and describing your services in ‘How To’ videos on sites such as YouTube and ehow.com can be an effective platform to launch your company as these are picked up by thousands of search engines every day, allowing your videos to be seen by many people in a short time period.

Brand merchandise

Business cards don’t always cut it with potential clients, and as such, more and more companies are turning to company branded merchandise for use at business events and trade shows as this conveys a professional and trustworthy image. Creating branded company merchandise needn’t break the bank either – small items here and there such as pens, key rings or even dashboard toys can be an effective way to spread the word since they relate closely to the service you offer.

Something that will always be in demand in the world of car and fleet management are vehicles that can provide wheelchair accessibility. Very few companies today provide wheelchair access as part of their company car fleet, and this is usually, amongst other things, down to the price tag. Fortunately however, this isn’t an issue with firms like Cab Direct. Home to various models and capacity vehicles, Cab Direct sell a range of affordable wheelchair accessible taxis that are conveniently designed with the modern driver in mind.

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