Home Business Best Birthday Month

Best Birthday Month

by Soft2share.com

If we think, then every day is special. Because we live one more day, we breathe, we learn, we eat, we meet, we greet. There is an uncountable number of things we do every day. But still, some days in the year which is most special for us. And that special day is the birthday. It is either your birthday or your beloved birthday. Birthdays cakes are always very-very special in everyone’s life. Every month is a special birthday month. But still, there are some months which are the best birthday month. So here we are going to share some birthday months. And, also we will see why these birthday months are the best. 

April With lots of Grill

April is such a one of the best birthday month on my list. I know, you must want to know the reason. So let’s start to clear your all confusion. Look April comes after just March. We all know that spring comes just before April. And April is the start of the summer season. So the weather for this month is really chilling. April is also, the best month because it’s coming after March. We all know March is how hectic. Because March is an examination month, and financially last month of the year. So after completing the exam, you need a break. And what can be a better break than doing a party and celebrating a birthday? The most important thing don’t forget to gift a happy birthday, bouquet.  Because in April, none of the gifts is better than fresh flowers. Order your florist in Kolkata bouquet from Bloomsvilla, they have amazing flower collection.


In my list next is September. I choose this month because it is a really cool month. It comes after August, and we all know about the weather in August.  August is cooler than the heavy sun of June and July. And monsoon also arrives this month. So September is the mixture of summer, rain and a little bit winter. That’s why this month comes on my list. In this month, you are also free from the semester exam. So according to my research, this is one of the best birthday months.


October comes 2nd on my list. Because this is a month in which everything is present. October is a joyful and festive month, especially a country like India.

It’s the weather is just amazing. For me, October is the second spring. Because this month everything is present ice and fire. I mean winter and summer. And according to stars, the child of this month is really intelligent, good looking and lucky. I love to celebrate birthdays in this month.  You can wear full sleeves and half sleeves both. The outing is soothing is enjoyable this month not harsh. In short, this is the perfect month to do a party. 


In my counting this and on my list, this is the last best birthday month. I know some people must be thinking about how it can be best. But let me tell you, you know about this very well. If you then you will not ask reason to me.  But if you don’t know, then you must be started thinking. December comes with Christmas and New Year. I know the New Year, comes on 1st January. But guys we wait for the New Year on 31st night. We do parties almost the whole world does not sleep on 31st night. December is full of vacation month. In some countries, December is the month of summer vacation, and in some countries winter vacation.  So you have lots of time to celebrate your birthday, and it’s your loved one’s birthday. You don’t need to much think about the holidays this month. The weather for this month is just mesmerizing. People love to celebrate their birthday on the beaches.

Now, you know about the best birthday month. I know some people are upset with me, after reading this. And some people definitely agree with me. Now you have knowledge about the best birthday month. I know it’s all in the hand of God. We can not do anything in it. But trust me, these birthdays months are really awesome and best.  These are the rocking and special birthdays month.

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