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Camping Out

by Soft2share.com

Being a mom was one of the best feelings of my life. It seems like yesterday when I gave birth to my beautiful twins. We were really excited about this. We decorated the nursery months ago and bought cute little clothes for our babies. The doctor said that I would have to go through c-section, just to be on the safe side as a normal delivery would be too risky with the twins. So I was sedated during the whole delivery process. All I remember is waking up to my husband and a nurse, each holding one beautiful baby in their arms. The feeling was so amazing! My husband was holding our daughter and the nurse was holding our son. She handed him to me, and he was so tiny, he looked so perfect. I held him close to me for a good minute and then I held my baby girl. She felt even smaller and she looked so beautiful. Her hair was so pretty and when she opened her eyes to look at me, I was stunned. Her eyes were the most beautiful green-blue color I had ever seen. My daughter had such captivating eyes. I looked at my husband and he smiled at me lovingly. Both of us were so happy that we made something so beautiful.

It’s true that time flies off real quick. It has been 5 years since that day and every time I look back, I’m filled with immense happiness. My beautiful kids are now 5 years old. Gosh, they’re growing up fast. They are in kindergarten and are learning new kinds of stuff every day. Watching them learn, play and grow is so joyful. And also, it is really important that they get enough and the right exposure to their surroundings.

So this Christmas, we have planned a family campout in the nearby woods. This will be both fun and adventurous for all of us. This place doesn’t have any dangerous animals and is near our home, so it’s safe for the kids too. We packed all the stuff we’d need like spare clothes, beddings, extra footwear, matchboxes, mosquito repellents, snacks, and Christmas gifts for everyone. Once we were done packing, we stuffed all of this stuff in our SUV and drove to the woods. We turned on our radio on the way to the woods and belted out songs along with the singers. Once we reached the place, we started out by pitching the tent. First, we pitched the kids Ozark trail dome tent and then our all season canvas tent and then finished them with the bedding inside them. We then collected wood from the nearby land area and built a bonfire. All of us sat surrounding the fire, talking, me and my husband telling the stories of our campouts with our parents. Then we toasted some marshmallows in the fire and enjoyed then with delicious hot chocolate, getting all Christmasy feeling.

Now was the time for gifts. We exchanged gifts and opened them. Everybody was happy with their gifts. Then we played some fun dance music on our speakers and danced near the bonfire. This was such fun. We danced so much and so hard that all of us were breathing heavily once we stopped. Since all of us were tired of having this much fun, we decided to got to sleep. We put the kids in their tent, tucked, them in and kissed them goodnight. Then we returned to our tent and tucked ourselves in and lied down. After around 5 minutes, we heard the kids knocking on our tents. I opened the tent and asked, “Everything okay honey”? They said, “Mom, we can’t sleep in the tent by ourselves, it’s scary. Can we sleep in your tent for tonight”? I smiled and said, “Of course, come on in”. They smiled back and jumped in our tent, getting under the covers between me and my husband. I told the kids a bedtime story to help then sleep, and they slept within a course of 2 minutes. After they slept, I took some time looking at them, taking their adorable sleeping selves in completely. Then I looked at my husband, amiling and being grateful for our amazing little family.

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