Home Technology Can Facebook Attract The Best Blockchain Developers?

Can Facebook Attract The Best Blockchain Developers?

by Soft2share.com

The past few years have been very exciting for various technologies and one of those emerging technologies is blockchain technology. Yes, that’s right! The blockchain technology has shown phenomenal growth over the last two years.

And by looking at this progress rate, one can even say that blockchain technology is slowly but steadily making its way into the mainstream areas as well.

For instance, the technology of blockchain has already been included in various industry verticals and some of the main sectors are healthcare, retail, finance, education, transportation etc. In short, uses of blockchain technology are increasing with each day passing.

But what next? Another thing that has recently been making the rounds is the question that has recently come into the limelight.

Can Facebook attract top black chain app development?

Well, to be honest, there is no straight yes or no answer to this question. But more like a maybe, because of its subjective nature.

If we look into the past few weeks, it has been reported by several sources that the tech giant is in the middle of recruiting an entire team of blockchain developers. This highly talented team of app developers will be working on one of the shadowed projects of the company for the finance and banking industry.

This initiative is facing a lot of criticism from the public, mainly because of the privacy issues that have surfaced from the famous social media platform.

What Next?

If we look at the rumors then there is also a slight possibility that Facebook may be working on its own social media-based payment platform, but it cannot be stated for sure.

Even after all the drama and confusion surrounding this particular topic, the company hasn’t stopped themselves from sending some hints to their users.

In other words, Facebook is offering some sneak peeks about their project, which is a native payment system that is meant to operate and fully function without the need of a formal bank attached to it.

And if you look closely, you will also notice that this entire procedure looks very similar to the hiring pattern for a project like PayPal, but mainly for cryptocurrencies through the means of a social media platform.

In addition to this, we would also like to mention the fact that Facebook doesn’t appear to be interested in providing a lot of transparency to its audience.

Instead, the organization is insisting on moving forward with the recruiting process by enabling the candidate I.E. blockchain developers to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

A spokesman even said this in a statement to Cheddar,

“Like many other companies, Facebook is exploring ways to leverage the power of blockchain technology. This new small team is exploring many different applications. We don’t have anything further to share.”

Last but not least, there are a couple of more details available in this matter. For instance, it has been noticed that the company is just co-opting the idea of building a platform that can be utilized without any dependency on a bank.

To be honest, if this project is really in the making then there’s no denying that the popularity level of both mobile payments and cryptocurrencies will skyrocket in no time.

So, this is our take on a powerful social media platform like Facebook attracting top-notch blockchain application developers. In the end, we also want to state the fact that you are looking to hire an excellent company or team of app developers.

Then, our advice would be to opt to go through various blockchain app development companies that have previously worked on projects similar to your requirements.

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