If you have an Individual Tax Identification Number, it means you are expected to pay taxes in the United States of America even though you may not be a citizen. Whether you are a non-resident foreign national who does business in the United States or a spouse of a lawful permanent resident, you may be assigned an ITIN number to help you track the taxes you pay into the government. This number acts like a social security number in how it allows your taxes to be tracked, but it may not make you qualify for the same benefits.
Provides Proof of Residency
Not everyone who has an ITIN number is a temporary resident of the United States, but some are. The ITIN gives you an easy way to prove how long you have been in the country. You can use the tax returns you filed using your ITIN to show how long you have been living in the country. While this is not a typical tax benefit, it can still be quite beneficial.
Not Eligible for All Tax Benefits
If you have been assigned an ITIN, it means you are able to make money in the United States. However, you may not receive the same benefits as taxpayers who have a social security number. Certain benefits, such as social security benefits and earned income tax credits, cannot be applied to your tax filings.
Could Become Eligible
Even though you are not eligible right now, you may be able to become eligible to receive these benefits. If you become a permanent resident, you may get a social security number assigned to you. Once this number is assigned, you can start earning social security benefits. The money you paid in under your ITIN can be counted towards your social security benefits.
You can apply for an ITIN by filling out a W7 form. Start filling out the form today to either apply for a new number or renew your existing number.