Home Education Celebrate Children’s Day and Understand its Significance

Celebrate Children’s Day and Understand its Significance

by Soft2share.com

It is mid-November and a very special occasion is around the corner – CHILDREN’S DAY. We celebrate the birthday of our country’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 14th November as Children’s day. His fondness for children is well known to everyone. Celebrating children’s day in Schools in Noida and in educational institutions, at homes and in families is the way of showing happiness, care, and support for them.  The day is a reminder that every child deserves an education, nurturing and the best of everything. They are the building blocks and the future of the nation. Children’s Day is the time to re-establish awareness amongst the people of India about the importance of safeguarding the rights and privileges of children.

The glory of the Indian Society can only be achieved through the enthusiasm and aspirations of children. The progress of our country is dependent on the development of our children. They are the ones who can bring revolutionary changes.  But there are several children who work all day long in small workshops and cannot even afford a meal in a day.  So, it should be our duty to educate our children in helping the less privileged. We can guide them to take the initiative and restrict exploitation. We collectively can initiate programs to help the underprivileged. We should stop employing children as domestic help and whoever does it, we should make them aware of its repercussions. We can ask children studying in schools to donate their old books and stationery to these needy kids so that even they can get some access to education.

The dream of an empowered India can be achieved only by making our children happy, teaching them to build relationships, develop optimism, self-discipline and emotional intelligence. To contribute in the progress and development of our country, ASPAM Scottish School, one of the best CBSE Schools in Noida, embraces the free spirit of childhood and strives for a better India for our children.

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