Home Blogging Common Blog Mistakes Newbie Bloggers Make

Common Blog Mistakes Newbie Bloggers Make

by Soft2share.com

We all make mistakes, and make mistakes sometimes helpful in terms of getting certain skills that would later lead to success. How much do you remember the mistakes that, when we started blogging? There are a few pitfalls to avoid every beginner. Otherwise it will be very difficult to correct them in the future. Most of them are quite common, and are repeated very often, especially at the initial stage.

blog mistakes

Here is a short list of the most common mistakes that you can avoid them if you are going to start your own blog. We strongly recommend that you start as a serious blogger enlightened.

  1. Choosing a niche in which you are not an expert.

Nowadays it is the most common mistake made by bloggers. If you do not know enough about site optimization (SEO) – do not start a blog on this topic. How can you solve the problems that people face in SEO-optimization and promotion, to provide adequate support for them? What if you provide in your blog outdated technical information, and the reader will take advantage of it and fail miserably? To be honest, here you are solely responsible for such cases. Therefore, if you know how to cook well, start a blog about cooking. Millions of people around the world every day want to find recipes online to try to prepare them at home.

  1. Content without images.

In the first paragraph of each post in your blog should be a picture, just to be on a similar theme. But many newcomers do not care about image optimization for search engines, and as a result lose a significant amount of traffic.

  1. Search for a paid hosting

When you are trying to become a blogger, the use of free platforms like Blogspot and WordPress would be sufficient. Of course, there are special reasons to use personal web hosting for your blog, but for entry-level you better take advantage of these world-renowned platform to successfully run your blog without any worries about the enforced idleness of the site, customer support and emerging issues at the server. Many very famous blogs are still platforms Blogspot and WordPress.com, but premium rates.

  1. The organization and frequency

In the beginning, the newcomers often take the keywords from your own head, and hang these on the record label. Readers can be very tiring confusion or anger in the categories or tags. In addition, bloggers beginners often do not care about the frequency of publication, and they are in no particular schedule publish anything that comes to hand, and when it will get. The difference in the frequency of publication may discourage your subscribers desire to visit your site, as well as detrimental to the indexing of pages by search engines.

  1. Monetization and inability to tolerate

Some bloggers make the mistake of starting to monetize your blog too late or too early. It is important to know the right time to start monetizing, as it directly affects the readers of your blog.

As for affiliate links, you can include them in the posts right from the beginning, but you should not stare at the banner and other ad networks, because you have to wait a while until you have formed a circle of regular visitors. When you feel that your site comes to a sufficient number of people, it’s time to monetize it.

And it’s not the end of history, as there are many such errors. Did you make any mistakes when you started blogging?

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