Home Wordpress Develop a Secure Website with WordPress

Develop a Secure Website with WordPress

by Soft2share.com

Website security is essential to ensure it is protected from hackers and other forms of attack. Many people overlook website security after the development of their website which can be a big mistake. If proper precautions are not taken the data can be exposed to the cybercriminals or the website can be taken down in a cyber attack. A WordPress development company will usually follow safe practices when developing a website to ensure it is secure. This article goes on to explain the importance of securing a website, a few tips on keeping it secure, and how it is possible to create a secure website using WordPress.

Common Website Vulnerabilities

Some of the common security issues include a denial of service attack by a hacker, the use of malware & ransom to disrupt the website. Some of the other techniques used are to get a website blacklisted, SEO Spam and harmful redirects. This can cause a loss of revenue to the business and result in heavy loss; it can also make a website unavailable for a long duration. There are several other attacks possible as listed here:

  • DDoS Attack
  • Brute Force Attack
  • Exploiting Free Software
  • Malware
  • Blacklisted
  • Cross-site Scripts
  • Defacement
  • Data Loss/Stolen
  • Phishing Scheme
  • Redirects
  • SEO Spam

WordPress Website Security

WordPress websites are fairly secure as compared to other websites. However, it is necessary to make an extra effort to make them secure. There are several steps one can take to make their website more secure from at the time of development, hosting it securely and using additional measures to make it secure like plug-ins and other adding addition website code. Integrating the new theme well during WordPress theme development can ensure secure website as well. To get that, just consult us to hire wordpress developer.

Here are a few steps one can take to keep a website secure:

  • Keeping it updated: WordPress release updates on a regular basis; such updates are usually to incorporate the updates in the programming language or to add features to the website. They can also be used to fix a known vulnerability.
  • Maintain Strong Passwords: A secure password plays a big role in keeping a website secure. It is the first line of protection against hackers since they will first attempt to break in using common passwords prior to trying other techniques.
  • Implement varying user permissions: In the case where the website has multiple users; it is a good practice to implement roles & permissions to give them limited access.
  • WordPress security plug-in: There are several plug-ins available for one to install and secure a WordPress website. These are very effective.
  • Install SSL: SSL is a secure sockets layer that establishes a secure link between a web server and a browser. This is especially useful during data sessions and when using sensitive data. For example, during a credit card transaction.
  • Change default authentication details & settings: The accounts created with WordPress will have default authentication set on the account. This is something a hacker or anyone with knowledge on WordPress can easily guess. Besides which, keeping the default settings as it may work against your requirements and expose your data and needs to be addressed
  • Logging website access: Besides having a strong authentication system and user-level access, logging the website access provides an additional level of security.
  • Secure Login: One of the methods of making the website secure is to prevent reuse of passwords and limit the number of login attempts one can make. There is also an option of placing a two-stage login to improve security.
  • Vulnerable Plug-ins: Plug-ins are good to install since they increase the functionality of the website. Installing too many can cause issues like the conflict in website code or breach of security.

Also read:- wordpress development company

  • Basic File Permission: Setting the basic file permission for the hosting account is one of the basic steps to take to secure the website.

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