Home Business Do’s and Don’ts of SMS Marketing

Do’s and Don’ts of SMS Marketing

by Soft2share.com

SMS Marketing is considered as the cheapest, fastest, and efficient way to reach and communicate well with your customers. With technology advancing at an alarming rate, everybody has a cell phone on them at every minute of the day. SMSes are sent pretty fast and everyone reads them almost immediately.

With an open rate of ninety percent, your business would thrive with the help of SMS Marketing. Plus, the Return on Investment for Sms Marketing Companies in Mexico is higher than any other marketing techniques out there. As more and more businessmen are switching to SMS Marketing, it won’t be long before it becomes the ultimate weapon for marketing purposes.

However, it’s not just about sending messages to prospects. There are certain do’s and don’ts to SMS Marketing that you need to follow:


Getting/Building a Proper Set of Lists

What’s the first thing you need before you start sending messages? Customers. There are two ways to acquire customers:

  • On your Own: You can “build” your list from the scratch over a long period of time. It would take a long time, but, it would be completely genuine. Or,
  • From a Vendor: You can buy a SMS marketing list from many of the data brokers available on the internet right now. However, make sure that you buy the list from a trusted source, such as Emailnphonelist’s USA Cell Phone Numbers List.

These two ways would guarantee you the required set of clients for your business strategy.

Shortcode as a way for CTA

Text messages are always comprised of 160 characters. So, you have to utilize it for the maximum gain. For that, you have create a unique message that would appeal to your potential prospects, influencing them to buy your product or service.

In other words, you have to invoke the Call to Action or CTA. For example, you can use shortcodes type messages which would require them to text the keyword in those messages to a designated number.

Persuade your Customers by giving them something of a Value

It has often been seen that as opposed to telephone calls, text messages are less irritating to a prospect. However, there should be a reason to why you are sending the message to a potential prospect. Therefore, whenever you are sending a message to your client, doesn’t matter if it’s an offer you are announcing or a discount you are giving out, make sure you add something of value to the text.

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Avoid Texting your Customers Continuously

The last thing that you would want to do is bombard your potential client with messages after messages. As much importance is given to the timing of the message, an equal amount should also be given to the frequency of the texts.

Therefore, if you are out of offers and discounts for your customers, then instead of wasting yours as well as theirs time, don’t send any messages at all for the sake of it. Always remember, in a business venture, less is always more.

Set your Objective only on Selling

If you only send messages related to the business to your clients, it will only backfire in a major way. I know that text marketing is a great way to acquire great quality leads, but it doesn’t hurt to send a non-business message every now and then.

For example, you can send a message on the date of the customer’s birthday, or send a greetings-type text on holidays such as Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Forget to tell your Clients who you are

Never start any communication with your customer without telling them about yourself and your company. It’s the first mistake that any rookie company can make while selling their product or service. It’s a mistake because would you like to talk to someone who doesn’t tell you who they are?

No? Right! Similarly ensure that your potential prospects know who they are talking to. This is crucial for elevating your brand image. Moreover, people will pay more attention to your text messages once you become known to your clients.

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