Home Reviews Eight Caribbean countries that speaks English

Eight Caribbean countries that speaks English

by Soft2share.com

The Caribbean islands are highly praised for their natural beauty and tranquil surrounding. Jamaica, Barbados and many others are usually termed as “islands of paradise”. There’re however various smaller islands as well that offers beauty and seclusion unlike any. Weather is amazing all round the year that attracts a wide range of tourists from everywhere around the world.

English” is an official language throughout majority of Caribbean countries due to influence of British within the region. Although being an official language of British, U.S and various Caribbean nations, most people dwelling on these islands speak an English Creole. Such languages are recognised for their varying sound, structure and usage that’s sometimes hard to understand.


  1. Bahamas

One of the closest Caribbean countries to the United States and most accessible is The Bahamas archipelago. Spans across 29 islands having more than 300,000 Bahamians, most of these speak Bahamas-English Creole. A research indicated that among the huge count, around 49,000 Bahamians are able to speak English fluently with correct accent. Official language remains English though!

Dominica country

  1. Dominica

Population count of Dominica is somewhere around 80,000 whereas it’s also a part of Leeward Islands. “English” is the official language but more or less 10,000 people are able to speak it properly. All those who remain would communicate in Dominican English Creole or Dominican French Creole. If a traveller is able to speak both French and English, it’ll come up quite beneficial throughout the journey.


  1. Jamaica

Jamaica’s population lies between three million and it’s one of the largest English speaking islands in the Caribbean. Though most speak Jamaican English Creole and “English” being a primary lingo; minor communities also converse in Hindustani, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Chinese.

Antigua & Barbuda

  1. Antigua & Barbuda

The two islands when combined construe a population around 90,000. Antigua and Barbuda are part of the Leeward Islands group or East Caribbean as we know it. Like other places, Antiguan and Barbuda’s English Creole is a typical language that native speaks. Even here, “English” remains as a primary official language. If you’re looking for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, you may get the details from www.elevay.com where perfection and maximum customer satisfaction is the key/motto.

St. Kitts & Nevis

  1. Kitts & Nevis

With “English” been a chief language, island of St. Kitts and Nevis are set in Eastern Caribbean (Leeward Islands). You may find locals communicating in St. Kitts English Creole with just a few hundred speaking Standard English. Population of both islands is around 50,000 however it’s among the top tourist destinations around the world.

St. Vincent & the Grenadines

  1. Vincent & the Grenadines

The case is pretty same here as well! In the St. Vincent and the Grenadines, “English” is primary means of communication but majority speaks Creole version.

The U.S. Virgin Islands

  1. The U.S. Virgin Islands

Three larger islands namely St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas plus 50 smaller ones combines to form the U.S. Virgin Islands that falls within the U.S. territory. Dialects vary from one island to another, the Virgin Islands Creole English is widely spoken throughout.

Trinidad & Tobago

  1. Trinidad & Tobago

Each island takes pride in speaking its own edition of Caribbean Creole even after the two combines to form one country. English and French Creole is likely found in Trinidad whereas minority also communicates in French and Hindi.


The above information comes in quite handy while travelling or applying for citizenship in one of these states so do have a look!

You may get more info on Antigua and Barbuda citizenship here.

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