Home Technology Five Important Email Security Tips You Should Know About

Five Important Email Security Tips You Should Know About

by Soft2share.com

Authenticated online practices are important to preserve your online identity unfiltered and free of hackers, viruses and all types of internet scams. This leads to not only expression of unwanted information but sometimes leads to serious financial losses to the desired. Where to start? Your inbox

Here are some simple security tips you should know and follow in your daily practice to keep your email account as safe as possible:

Create a strong password:

A strong password is difficult for other people to guess and is easy for you to remember. To keep your G mail and Facebook email account protected, keep your password safe and always log out to prevent others hacking your email accounts.

Have a complicated email address:

Try to maintain an email address that is difficult to memorize by others. It should not contain names that can be easily guessed or famous names which are related to you.

Have a safe password:

Passwords are there to secure your account. All the accounts, bank accounts, and other important information are protected by a safe password. And make sure that your password is difficult enough to be framed by hackers. For Example, don’t put Robbins, as hackers will always try to guess your password based on the name. Don’t use a sentence or your birth date as these are common ideas to trick in your password. A good password will contain all special characters along with uppercase and lowercase letters and along with some numerical values which make password looks more confusing. Always store your password in some notes in a safe place so there is no risk of losing it.

Do not share your password with anyone:

Anytime if you are asked to share your password in any of the ways either by a company Representative or showing some ads or by any other means, Please do not share your passwords with them. There are many fraudulent websites which may ask you about your details and password. A complaint about them to the respective department. Ask them directly the reason for asking the password or contact them directly.

Change the security questions and answers:

Always put In those answers to security questions which can’t be guessed, cannot be researched, cannot be detected and which is not simple and is easily memorable to you.In case if somebody guesses your password and your answers are strong,still the hacker won’t be able to access the account.

Always use two factor authentications:

Always relate your account to device and put in a pass code facility in case you change your login device.This means that if somebody tries to log in from a device you don’t use,then they have to prove they are the original owner of account by providing that pass code.That if you get are quest for sent pass code without requesting one,means someone has your password,or trying to hack your account and you need to change it. Many tech innovators like Thierry Levasseur are working to improve today’s e-mail communications security and functionality. Thierry LeVasseur is a Vancouver based tech entrepreneur who has secured several different patents in the areas of email security and data protection.

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