Home Education Get your focus Game on when it comes to Studying

Get your focus Game on when it comes to Studying

by Soft2share.com

Is focusing on your studies something you find trouble with? Well there’s nothing to worry about because it happens to the best of people out there. To concentrate better, you probably need to make your study patterns a little more interesting. Go ahead and study in a quieter place that is free of outside noise and distraction or you can try a new study plan that gives you more breaks. It’s different for everyone. Some people need frequent breaks between solving cbse class 6 maths worksheets and some don’t. It all depends on the kind of person you are. Experiment with things until you find what is up your alley and works for you. With the correct set up, focusing becomes very easy. Let’s get down to the basics.

  1. Make yourself a timetable. So your exams are coming and you need to give days instead of hours to your books. It’s best to make a plan for the next day at night. Making timetables often don’t work because students tend to pre plan their weekly routine and when things go amiss and the agenda isn’t met, they feel unmotivated. Hence making the timetable for the next day, the night before works the best. Aim to work for a period of 30 minutes to 60 minutes with breaks of 10 minutes in between. Or if you’re someone who wants to take a break right after an hour, you can do that too. Don’t worry, taking breaks does not mean you’re lazy, it just means that your brain needs both time and space to do some information synthesis. Always try to switch your subjects every hour to prevent yourself from wasting time. If you try on concentrating on a subject for too long, you will only make yourself less productive. Too much of one thing makes the mind stagnant. New subject equals to new motivation.

Set some time aside to worry about different things in your life. It can be really hard to concentrate if you’re thinking about things that are happening around you. You can’t even stop yourself from thinking them because thoughts don’t knock on the door and come to you. Often while studying,we remember something and then immediately use our phones to look for it. This kind of distraction is time consuming. Whenever thoughts come to you or you remember something. Write it down on a piece of paper or a diary that you make specifically for this purpose. This gives you a sense of solace because you know that you will eventually come back to this and the best thing is that when the time actually comes you don’t feel the urge to do it anymore. If it is something that will bother you till you study, it’s advisable that you finish the task before you sit down. The thing about distractions is that they come only when you sit to do something you’re a little reluctant about and you see everything as something better than studying class 6 maths worksheets cbse.Once you make up your mind and sit firmly with your books, you’ll find that the distractions keep becoming less.

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