Home Health Grain free dog food

Grain free dog food

by Soft2share.com

Slowly but clearly, more and more grain free brands with are coming up on the market. More and more dog owners want to forego grain, and there is a going question, regarding how good it is for our dogs.

Advantage in grain

In almost every conventional dog food you will find the information about the ingredients grains that have been processed either as flakes or flour. In principle, grain is not unhealthy for dogs because, depending on the type, it contains plenty of nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, etc.

Now there are many different opinions about grain diets for dogs. Contrary to the widespread assumption that dogs are carnivores, dogs have become so-called omnivores due to centuries of domestication – dogs are therefore omnivores.

So that the dog gets a balanced diet, it is not enough to feed him with meat on one side. It needs different raw materials – including plant-based ones, such as vegetables (carrots) or grains – in order to absorb enough nutrients.

Downside to grain

The downside to grains, however, is that some grains contain gluten, which some dogs may be intolerant of. This gluten intolerance is known in medicine as celiac disease.

Cereals with gluten:

  • wheat
  • Spelt
  • rye

Cereals without gluten:

  • Corn
  • rice
  • millet

This is also the reason why vets recommend dogs with stomach problems as a light diet for a short period of time, “rice with chicken”.

However, grain can also cause allergies that lead to skin and coat changes. Gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea or large amounts of feces are other reactions to gluten intolerance or allergies.

How easily are grains digestible for dogs?

Depending on how the dog food is produced, food containing grain is more or less easy to digest. It is easiest for dogs to digest when the starch has already been unlocked.

This is the case with normal dry food. In the course of production, dry food is heated very quickly (up to 100 degrees Celsius), which partially breaks down the starch and is therefore easier for dogs to digest.

The dosage of the grain is also important. Too much grain is too many carbohydrates and not healthy for dogs in the long run.

Why feed grain-free dog food?

The disadvantage of cereals is therefore possible gluten intolerance or the formation of allergies. To prevent this, you can simply feed the dog food without grain.

Grain free dog food is often recommended as an exclusion diet by the vet. So the dog should eat something that his stomach does not yet know and that is particularly gentle in order to gradually add further components. As soon as you find changes in the feces you can determine which food ingredient the dog does not tolerate.

This makes it easy for the vet to find out where your dog’s symptoms are really coming from, as your dog may not tolerate other ingredients (for example the preservatives or meat) in the food.

Advantages of dog food without grain

  • suitable for sensitive dogs
  • Don’t have to worry about Glutan Allergies
  • gentle on the stomach
  • suitable for exclusion diets

Disadvantage of dog food without grain

  • important phytonutrients are missing
  • Need another source of Nutrition.

How old does my dog have to be to get grain-free food?

There is no specific age at which dogs can tolerate grain particularly well or poorly. Here it depends quite simply on your dog, who either does not tolerate grain as a puppy or only develops an intolerance or allergy over the years.

Is this kind of food automatically healthier?

No it doesn’t automatically mean healthier! It is more easily tolerated by sensitive dogs, which is why hypoallergenic dog food, for example, is always grain-free. How often should you as a person pay attention to what is good for the dog? One must not automatically assume that what is good for people must also be good for four-legged friends.


Grain-free nutrition for dogs is currently a trend, but it is partly justified. Basically, cereals are not bad for dogs; they also provide important plant vitamins, proteins and fats.

However, grain in dog food has a bad image, as cheap manufacturers like to use it as a cheap filler and use far too high a dose. Such an excessive amount of grain is definitely not healthy for dogs.

It is also possible that your dog has a gluten intolerance or allergy. Then it can be helpful to avoid wheat, spelled, rye and barley in the feed. In most cases, rice, maize and millet are well tolerated.

As always, the best way seems to be the middle ground. In this case, it will probably be best if you feed him low-grain (not grain-free) and make sure that the starch has at least partially been unlocked. If your dog does not tolerate grain, then of course feed him completely grain-free.

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