Home Apple Guide To Develop Robust iPhone App

Guide To Develop Robust iPhone App

by Soft2share.com

Are you looking for the best guide to develop a robust iPhone app? If yes, then proceed with this guide to find in detail about developing a robust iPhone app. Nowadays, in this competitive world, developing a mobile app has become one of the major business requirements.

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You are needed to develop a custom app when you are running a B2B or B2C business. Therefore most of the business wants to develop a robust iPhone app. To make a successful iPhone app development, you have to follow some effective procedures.

It is a fact that iOS is a faster operating system than any other Android OS. The iOS apps have the potential to run smoothly on your device without any issues and glitches.

Development Process of iPhone App:

Have a look at the below to find out the development process of the iPhone app.

  • Planning

The iPhone app development process mainly begins with the planning phase. During this phase, you are required to focus on various factors. You are required to find the problem that your mobile app is facing.

Then you have to identify your target users. After that, you need to know the important functionality. By having a clear idea about it, sure you can proceed further.

Here, a thorough market analysis is important to ensure that the product will become unique in its market position. This planning phase also involves arranging all requirements needed during the following phases of iPhone app development.

  • Design

After planning, you have to proceed with the designing phase. It will document the requirements for the team who are going to design the app. The design process mainly begins with paper sketches, blueprints, and wireframes representing how your app must look.

During this time, the design phase is mainly responsible for doing the proper groundwork to proceed with the upcoming phases. The key phase of this process is UI and UX Design. This kind of process will determine the user experience and find how it can be useful for everyone.

Here, the main goal is to make designs that seem visually great and appealing. It is also easy to navigate. The UI and UX Design of the iPhone app must fulfill the guidelines of Apple. Then only the app you are going to develop can take place in the apple store.

  • Development and Integration 

When you are wondering how to build extraordinary iOS apps, this phase will play a major role. This is the phase where the app is going to get almost developed. This phase is mainly about transforming the idea behind this iPhone app into the reality of millions of users.

At this time, the development team with three different parts of iPhone app development. Those major parts of the project are API, front end and back end of the application. There are a lot of developer rules that have been clearly defined by apple.

Hence, the iPhone app developers require following the best practices and elements required to deliver a secure and private user experience.

  • Quality Assurance 

After completing the development process successfully, most of the tasks consist of the quality assurance process. On that basis, the next phase after development and integration is quality assurance.

During this phase, the apps which are developed will be thoroughly tested and find whether there is any bug that occurs in them. If anything is there and creating the major problems in the working of the iPhone app, it will be analyzed and solved very effectively.

Testing the iPhone app is one of the major aspects of this process. It is mainly to avoid rejection when it is submitted to the app store. Here, the developers must review the device for smooth user experience, optimal performance, optimum memory use, privacy, debugging and ensure it satisfies the apple guidelines extraordinarily.

  • Deployment 

By completing the reviewing and rigorous testing, your iPhone app must be submitted to the legal app store for further approval and review. Immediately, you won’t get the results. The Apple team will take a couple of weeks to review your app and then approve it perfectly.

In case your app does not fulfill the guidelines, then sure, you may have the chance of getting rejected. Therefore it is a must to create an iPhone app based on following proper guidelines.

  • Maintenance 

The iPhone app development process is not completed once it is deployed. After your app launch, then the app maintenance process will begin.

This proceeds with tracking your device usage via app analytics tools, measuring the performance via KPIs, patching any security and technical errors that may occur at any point of time and updating the functionality of the app based on iOS requirements user’s feedback.

Best Practices and Tips of iPhone App Development:

Whether you are a skilled developer or beginner, you have to know some tricks and techniques to develop an iPhone app effectively. There are some best practices and tips that you need to remember when developing an iPhone app.

  • iPhone app development plan

Generally, planning is an important part of handling any project. Without any proper plan, you will never be able to develop a bug-free app. When you have decided to develop an app, you need to set the purpose of it. Always try to develop an app with high performance.

  • Maintain a simple design

When the design of your app is simple, then sure work is not more complicated. When you have more experience and confidence, then you can try various designs. But as a starter, it is better to try only with simple designs. With that, you can maintain the uniqueness of your app.

  • Coding plays a major role

Your coding experience decides how you have the potential to develop an iPhone app. Now Apple has reduced these difficulties through a swift programming language. By using this programming language, you are easily able to develop an app without any errors.

  • Increase user interaction by adding features

User interaction is best for iPhone app development. Many eCommerce apps have better user interactions. This can let your customer place their order and make the payment through it in a most enhanced manner. The best developer knows the procedure of creating iPhone apps to enhance the content on websites and apps.

  • Compatibility with all version

At present most of the users are using old versions. When your apps are not developed compatible with all kinds of versions, then sure, your app will lose your loyal users. Therefore it is better to create an app that is compatible with all versions.

  • Social-media Integration 

In general, the mobile app is designed to be practical, functional, interactive, and inexpensive. When the app developers make some improvements in the app, some additional features will be added, such as social network integration. This approach is the best interactive marketing technique that can build effective consumer relations and gain more attention.

  • Battery usage

The app you are going to develop should never consume more battery. It should never drain the battery of the user’s device. If your app is like that, then no one will like to use your app. Therefore it is better to create the iPhone app with less battery usage.

  • Traffic management

A functional and positive mobile app can effectively enhance the quality of traffic to your business. Finally, it’s your responsibility to stay connected with many possible processes to respond to your traffic most effectively. When your app is getting more traffic due to offer, sale and rise in demand, then it should never crash.

  • Price and promotion of your app

Based on the development time and various features, the price to develop an app must be calculated. You are required to go for in-app purchases; hence, users must buy some additional features for such an app. App promotion is very much important for its success. Put more effort and get everything you want.


From the scenario mentioned above, you have to find out the development process and best iPhone app development practices. Now without any hesitation, you can develop the best iPhone app under expert guidance for your business and grow your business to the next level.

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Author Bio:

Ronak Meghani is a serial entrepreneur and eCommerce consultant who has worked with small-medium-large companies. He is a co-founder of Magneto IT Solutions and has been closely working with eCommerce ventures since 2010. He has helped 200-plus international brands for building/improving their online ventures in the area of UI/UX, development, launching, revenue enhancement, marketing strategy, ecommerce support, and much more, and 90% of ventures are generating very good revenue. He’s enthusiastic about start-ups, entrepreneurship, sports, and all things marketing.

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