Home Health Hand Dryers and Hygiene – Facts are Helping

Hand Dryers and Hygiene – Facts are Helping

by Soft2share.com

Our hands are a perfect base for thriving bacteria, microorganisms and pathogens. This happens because we tend to come in touch with many contaminated public things that are full of germs, such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, and other public surfaces. Not to mention touching our mobile phones as well as keyboards. This is the ideal way of spreading bacteria, viruses, and infections. It has always been of utmost importance to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases, and especially now, during the coronavirus pandemic.

For these reasons, good hand hygiene is emphasized as a powerful tool in the battle against viruses. You can see signs and notices reminding you to wash your hands all-around public places that are swarming with people such as hospitals and train stations as well as shared spaces such as offices and retail.

There have been some studies comparing different methods of hand drying and some disagreement on the topic of which method is the best in terms of safety and removing pathogens from hands. Take a look at why hand dryers are a critical part of proper hand hygiene.Β 

The importance of hand drying

  • It’s a natural thing

Good hand hygiene includes two aspects: washing hands properly with soap and hot water for 30 seconds and drying them effectively. Both aspects are equally important. The question that we might be concerned with is why it is important to dry our hands in the right way. The natural reaction after washing and rinsing our hands is the urge to dry them. Some studies that were conducted concluded that a large number of people valued when they are provided with some way of drying their hands, while a small number admitted using their own clothes for drying hands. This can be problematic as our clothes might also be covered in bacteria and pathogens. 

  • It helps in removing bacteria and other microorganisms

Another thing, the process of hand drying is crucial as it removes bacteria and other microorganisms from our hands, that perhaps came in touch with our skin during the washing part. Drying also prevents bacteria from being redeposited on your hands. Some studies have found that wet hands can be a perfect base for thriving bacteria and cross-contamination. Wet hands impose a risk of bacteria transfer which is 1000 times greater than with dry hands. 

  • It reduces the impact of poor hand washing

This aspect is especially important in the food industry as hand drying can decrease the number of microorganisms on our hands and hence on the food. So, it is an effective way of reducing food contamination.  

Comparing hand dryers to paper towels

Even though recent studies have come to a conclusion that hand dryers are equally hygienic to paper towels for drying hands, there are some advantages and disadvantages in terms of some key aspects regarding their use. Before deciding which option to opt for, it’s important to have in mind the following essential aspects and differences.

  • Paper towels

Paper products are simply limited in supply – we experienced that first hand during the ongoing pandemic. There were some instances when there weren’t enough paper towels in the supermarkets as people were stacking up. This is perfectly normal behavior typical for a pandemic. So, if we don’t have a paper towel, we are unable to dry our hands, which, as seen earlier, is a potential health hazard.

Also, it is not uncommon to see paper towels stacked on the wet countertop, spilling over a trash can, lying all over the floor, and clogging toilets. This is also one of the ways how bacteria develop and thrive. Some studies even found 17 different types of bacteria on unused paper towels in a restroom.

As far as the environment is concerned, as paper towels come from trees, it is certainly not a sustainable, eco-friendly practice. Moreover, closely connected to this are gas-consuming, carbon-emitting delivery trucks transporting logs as well as paper waste. The way paper is produced is also a threat to the environment as it involves different either chemical or mechanical pulping. 

As for the paper life cycle. even though it is recycled, it eventually ends up in a landfill. 

If a certain public place or a company decides to go for this method of hand drying, it should also take into consideration the maintenance, as it requires people to stock, restock, clean and discard the towels. 

  • Hand dryers

On the contrary, hand dryers differ from paper towels in many ways. First of all, there is no mess as with paper towels. They are a more hygienic option as they are hands-free and thus are not a restroom touchpoint. This is crucial in the fight against bacteria.Β 

Moreover, hand dryers are eco-friendlier, as some new designs reduce carbon footprint up to 75%. They are also a cost-saving alternative and they eliminate the need for labor, maintenance and waste of paper towels.

Types of hand dryers

As far as hand dryers are concerned, there are some options regarding their type. Let’s take a look at them.

  • Hot/cold air hand dryers

Hand dryers that blow hot air have always been considered as the best option in eliminating bacteria efficiently. However, there has been a new, equally-effective invention using cold plasma technology, which is now rated as top products as besides removing bacteria effectively, they are also an energy-efficient option. Cold plasma has the ability to kill bacteria in the air. There are even options that have both hot and cold air feature. 

  • Hand dryers with air filters

The invention of air filters has put hand dryers in the top place for an effective method of hand drying. It is one of the most hygienic ways of killing bacteria and some of these filters have been shown to reduce bacteria on the hands by almost 100%. They also purify the air inside the dryer so that clean, bacteria-free air is used when drying your hands.

Providing our public places as well as companies with a hygienic. efficient and eco-friendly way of washing and drying hands can enhance the health of people as well as reduce the risk of spreading bacteria.

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