Home Business Has the Pandemic Changed the Way We Think About Contingent Work?

Has the Pandemic Changed the Way We Think About Contingent Work?

by Soft2share.com

The world of business will have to deal with the consequences of the pandemic for many years to come and it’s still too early to say what the situation will look like in a few years’ time. Still, what we know for certain is that the impact has been great. The pandemic has already affected almost every part of our lives and changed the way we work. With the restrictions being slowly lifted, many people expect the world will return to what it looked like before the pandemic. However, that is not going to happen.

Namely, all the changes that have occurred have transformed the business world profoundly and it’s highly unlikely they would be abandoned in the future, especially if they’ve proven to be efficient and effective. One such change is the increase in the utilisation of contingent workers.

They provide agility and flexibility

Every crisis requires swift reactions and contingent workers have been proven to provide the necessary agility, while at the same time ensuring that companies which hire them remain flexible. This is particularly true when it comes to large organizations that hire a number of contingent workers. With many people made redundant during the pandemic, the labour market has accepted experts from different fields with various levels of experience, who are now available for hiring on a temporary basis.

Breaking down borders

One of the things we’ve learned is that talent no longer has to be driven by location. This means that companies located in less attractive places had a lot of problems attracting the type of workers they needed. However, the technological advancements in combination with a growing contingent workforce has almost completely eliminated this problem.

Now, companies have a global pool of virtual talent at their disposal and it is quite common for an expert in providing efficient contractor solutions from Australia, for example, to cater to the needs of businesses from all over the world. This is a win-win situation for both employers and employees.

Contingent workers have accelerated changes

It would be wrong to assume that all the changes we’ve experienced are brand new. Actually, they’ve been around for a long time and the pandemic has simply accelerated them, which led to all those companies slow to adapt being thrown out of the window. The concept of hiring a contingent workforce, with the agility and flexibility it offers, has shown employers that its benefits simply can’t be ignored.

On the other hand, workers have also realised they don’t need to rely on local companies for employment. Instead, they can offer their services to businesses from even the most remote parts of the world. This means that those who have been made redundant should not despair if they can’t find employment with a company in their area. Instead, they can now cast the net much wider and, possibly, find a much better job opportunity somewhere else. This can have a great impact on the mental state of those without full-time employment.

Changes in communication

Utilising contingent workers means you need to pay much more attention to communication, since a great majority of those workers never get to work on the premises of the company that hired them. However, employers and contingent workers need to stay connected at all times. It’s vital to establish communication channels that allow instant contact. Communication needs to be honest and transparent for everyone to avoid frustration and misunderstanding.

Also, it needs to be regular. While face-to-face communication is difficult to replace, remote meeting apps provide a decent substitute, which allows remote workers to be brought together. The effort invested in establishing such communication with contingent workers should also have a backwash effect on communication in general, especially since the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone when it comes to both private and professional contacts.

Finally, having regular contact will ensure that the progress of all tasks is monitored appropriately, which will contribute to both productivity and efficiency. So, the increased attention paid to communication with contingent workers has reminded us that we need to behave in the same way when it comes to our permanent staff or even family and friends.

In a nutshell, contingent workers are here to stay and they seem to be bringing much more benefits than disadvantages to companies that hire them. Also, the way companies have adapted to this change to their employment policies has led to many other changes. Finally, our perception is no longer the same it was before the pandemic. Many new opportunities have emerged over the past year and a half and it’s only up to us to make the most of them. Chances are, if you play your cards right, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of these changes.

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