Home Health Health Benefits Of Hot Tubbing

Health Benefits Of Hot Tubbing

by Soft2share.com

We recently bought a new house with a spacious backyard, and my husband immediately began planning what he wanted to do with it. He installed a swingset/treehouse for the kids, but then decided we needed a treat as well. So we went online, did our research, and got the best inflatable hot tub we could afford. They cost significantly less than a fixed tub, and we found it was easy to install. After trying it out for some time, we realized that there were many health benefits that come with hot tubbing.

Relaxing Your Muscles

There’s nothing like going out for a workout or a run, and then dipping into the hot tub to relax your muscles. The hot water helps ease aches and pains, and unwind tight muscles. This was particularly helpful after leg day at the gym!

Heart Health

We didn’t expect this, but we found out that the relaxing effect of hot tubbing had a great impact on our cardiovascular health. My husband already has a few pre-existing heart conditions, and he was pleased when his blood pressure was lowered after he got in the habit of hot tubbing every other day. 

Stress Relief

After a long day at work, many of us carry around a lot of stress, and it can be hard to relieve ourselves from that stress. We found that even in the most stressful of days, the soak in the hot water helped us clear our thoughts and relax, which ultimately reduced our stress levels. 

Insulin Sensitivity

People who are overweight can gradually develop a condition called insulin insensitivity, which means their body needs more insulin to process a normal amount of sugar. We found research online that says that the heat from the hot tub helps improve insulin sensitivity, which can help in managing diabetes. Another benefit (although minimal), is that it can help combat obesity, but don’t go gorging on donuts just yet – it’s not that powerful of an effect. 

Managing Sleep Deprivation

We all know that not getting enough sleep is a major health hazard, but insomnia is hard to get over. The relaxing effect of having a soak in the hot tub helped us sleep better. That means we were falling asleep faster, and waking up faster – without feeling exhausted all the time.

As you can see, hot tubbing proved to be more than just a fun way to unwind at home. If you can get one, you won’t regret it. We researched online and found that there may be more health benefits, but we chose to focus on the benefits we experienced for ourselves. 

What are you waiting for? Get yourself a hot tub and start your way to a more balanced and stress-free life. They aren’t that expensive, and are pretty easy to maintain. Also, don’t believe the myths that they are unsanitary, because that is entirely ependant on how you take care of them. Your own hot tub will always be cleaner than a public hot tub at the gym or a spa.

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