Home Gaming Here Are 4 Different Types Of Video Game Jobs You Could Apply for

Here Are 4 Different Types Of Video Game Jobs You Could Apply for

by Soft2share.com

It would be extremely naïve almost bordering on the delusional if everybody begins to believe that video game jobs will not just be a viable career option, but also bring with it a minor fortune as it has for the popular Swedish YouTuber Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (popularly known as PewDiePie). Generally, the video game job market is considered to be thin. But, with the right effort and determination, it is possible to get your foot into this quickly shutting the revolving door. As with nearly every field imaginable, the continued evolution of technology and knowledge brings with it many new opportunities.

When developers the world over begin to get their mitts on more technology, it will lead to an expansion in the consumer market as a more versatile range of products become available bringing with it numerous other job opportunities.  After all, we are still in the nascent stages of VR powered gaming despite the fact that you can already find about 11,000 games supported by VR on Steam.

Here’s a list of jobs that might interest a hardcore gamer such as yourself:

1. Multimedia Animator/Artist

Most gamers possess strong creative inclinations which makes this position extremely desirable to a vast majority of them. As part of this job profile, you would be required to dream, design, visualize and create new animation and graphics for video games. I mean all you would have to do is play a crucial part in bringing to actualization the writer’s vision on screen. So yes, it would be safe to assume that this is a pretty important and lucrative job in the video game industry.

Who’d fit right in for the job: Doodlers, dreamers, graphic designers and artists.

What you’d need to learn/have to do the job: An art portfolio or background, graphic design, game design, and computer science.

How to distinguish yourself from the competition: Having a signature style helps considerably. Since there are not many job openings in this position, it is important to stand out to get the attention of the top game publishers in the market.

2. Video Game Tester

This is another great way of gaining entry into the video game industry. Game testers or Beta testers are required to detect glitches, bugs or artistic flaws in the gameplay. In essence, they are required to play games and isolate as many flaws as possible in the current level of gameplay. If you have an eye for detail and don’t mind devoting eight (or more) hours a day playing games, then you might have just hit the job jackpot!

Who’d fit right in for the job: Team players, perfectionists, aspiring developers, and dedicated gamers.

What you’d need to learn to do the job: Hacking, gameplay, quality assurance, and computer science.

How to distinguish yourself from the competition:  Somewhat ironically in a job profile that expects a high level of quality, quantity matters as much, in terms of figuring out how many available job positions are out there. When you are searching for video gaming jobs, you will find out that opportunities for the role of a video tester are usually scarce. As there are limited positions open on the market and a whole lot of applicants jousting for those spots, your networking mettle will definitely be put to the test when you are trying to secure a job as a video game tester.

3. Customer Support Agent

Customer service or support in any industry is a test of patience, perseverance and dedication. The skills required to be adept at this job can also be universally applied to every other industry in the market. By joining as a customer support agent you will get an insider’s view to how gaming companies operate.

Who’d fit right in for the job: Communicators, tech experts and aspiring Yodas.

What you’d need to learn to do the job: Multiple languages, gaming consoles, and computer skills.

How to distinguish yourself from the competition: By maintaining a strong relationship with your customer base. Since, skills associated with being a reliable customer service agent are almost universally applicable, it is important to get in as much practice and experience as you can in your current role.

4. Developer

Getting hired to work as a video game developer is almost akin to finding the Mother Lode. It would definitely rank as the most popular job position on Google searches, but job opportunities in this role are a few and far between. But, if you do manage to jam your foot into the door, it could turn out to be a career game changer as you would be privy to inner workings of a top video game company.

Who’d fit right in for the job: Video game gods, computer programmers and coders.

What you’d need to learn to do the job: Computer science, game development and code.

How to distinguish yourself from the competition: By building your own games. Experience is all that matters in this role.

Your networking skills and general level of enterprise counts for a lot when looking for jobs in the gaming industry. For example, one novel way of fishing out new opportunities is by combing through a popular review site like Banjig. Review sites often put out sponsored posts for video game companies which could be a great way of identifying all the major players in the market. This will help you look for potential job opportunities right at the source. And when you do that, armed with the information provided in this piece, you will be suitably equipped to tackle any/all ensuing challenges you face head-on.

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