Home Marketing Here’s Why your Company needs an Animated Video Done

Here’s Why your Company needs an Animated Video Done

by Soft2share.com

A marketer’s job is to devise and execute a strategy to promote the business, make it known to the public, and to reel in new customers. The highly competitive nature of the world of marketing makes it challenging to find a way to make your brand stand out, so how do you find a way out of the clutter, claim your space, and show people what you’re really about? If you are toying with the idea of creating a video, I would be so bold as to say that you’re on the right track. 

Why animation?

Animation lets you create something that is visually compelling, and that has the potential to draw in your audience without having to rely on the logistics surrounding the production of a live-action video.   

Animation is also a great way to showcase services, particularly of the more abstract kind. Animation makes far-out concepts more accessible as it provides an adaptable means of explaining things, without logistical or artistic restrictions. A live video doesn’t have the same flexibility, which can make it difficult to logically create links between offerings, which may lead to the concept not being as well understood as it might be in the case of animation.  

Background checks are important

An animation video company will use a showreel to showcase their services, and the best way of gauging what they are capable of, is to thoroughly analyse their showreel. Remember that only the very best videos will find their way onto a showreel, so take some time to browse the animation company’s social media pages too, to get a broader idea of what they have done in the past. 

Particularly if your business involves services, rather than goods, you will find yourself more hard-pressed to find ways to communicate their more abstract nuances, compared to selling “things””, which are easy to portray. Finance, cryptocurrency, banking and other financial services have distinctly benefited from animation videos, where illustration and movement have brought abstract ideas to life, and made their purpose clear to the viewer. 

What to avoid

Poorly-considered characters, unrefined or “shouty” voiceovers, inconsistent editing and not enough movement make for an unpleasant viewing experience. If you think about videos you may have watched in the past, you will remember that a well-formed narrative, a voiceover that is well-suited to the material, and slick, pace-keeping editing formed part of the experience.

A good video doesn’t need to be fancy – all you need from your animation video production services company is to help you create a concise, good-looking piece of communication. Stripping your communication down to the bare minimum and packaging it well can go much further than a flashy video that looks good but says nothing. 

An animated marketing video is one of the best ways to spend you marketing budget. You are guaranteed a lower cost that if you were to use a live-action recording or celebrity endorsement, and the ROI for what you spend, is proven to be significant. 

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