Home Business How can Telemarketing Companies make most out of the Agents?

How can Telemarketing Companies make most out of the Agents?

by Soft2share.com

To experience the real taste of the success, companies of all sizes give everything that they got in order to come up with products or services that can live up to customer expectations. But this will only help to win half battle. For the rest, it is imperative to promote products and services in the best possible manner.

Nowadays, telemarketing companies are facing productivity issues because their agents aren’t giving their best. This factor cannot be ignored because this could take the business towards a mammoth loss. Hence, it is very crucial to encourage telemarketers to give their best.

Do you want to know how the leading outsourced telemarketing service providers hold the baton of success continuously? It is by a proper management of their agents. Let’s see how it is done:  

Offer short breaks

Well, there are many companies that hire a team of in-house telemarketers in order to promote products or services. But it is imperative for those telemarketing companies to understand that the telesales agents cannot do work all the time. This is so because sometimes potential customers lose their cool when agents continuously try to persuade the former to buy products and services.

At this point in time, it is significant to allow telesales agents to take short breaks to reduce stress level. Allowing agents to take a timeout not only leads to better productivity but also keeps the agent attrition rate in check.

Tell the value of prospects

To ensure better profitability, it is imperative that telemarketers know the value of prospects. This is so because sometimes telesales agents lose their patience when potential customers ask irrelevant questions.

Owing to this, agents start giving answers in a rude tone and thereby igniting the chances of an argument to start. Consequently, this results in a loss of business.

Hence, it is highly important for the companies (that are running an in-house outbound call centre) to make their telemarketers understand the value of potential customers during the training period as that’s the best way to match reputed BPO firm’s standards.

Provide incentives

Sometimes agents don’t give their best intentionally leading to the failure of telemarketing campaign. However, terminating low performing telesales agents from their respective position doesn’t help in getting the desired results.

Therefore, it is very important for the telemarketing companies to bring incentives to the table. This will surely give a required boost to the business growth. The primary reason behind that is agents always try to raise their performance levels when reward is at the stake.

Many reputed BPO firms offer attention-grabbing incentives in different forms that include extra paid leaves, bonus money, and much more. This leads to a healthy competition among telemarketers, which, in turn, ends in better sales results.

So, if you have been running an in-house outbound call centre and willing to bring the best out of your telemarketers, start offering incentives. Don’t worry, this won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Introduce your best agents

To make telemarketing campaign successful, businesses invest so much money to appoint new agents. When newly joined agents put in least efforts or don’t even try to convince potential customers to buy products or services, a big loss is inevitable. Apart from that, starting the hiring process repetitively can affect the business’s bottom line. To encourage new agents, it is significant to introduce the best telemarketers. This is so because whenever high performing agents share their experience, this gives newbies a reason to perform better.

Give real-time examples

In the previous point, we were talking that new agents usually don’t do their work properly. But it doesn’t mean that every newcomer is workshy. Sometimes newly joined agents get nervous during their first interaction with prospects. Consequently, this leads to poor results.

Obviously, we aren’t making any statement that telemarketing firms don’t provide proper training. But it is imperative to understand that lectures or presentations could only be helpful if newly joined agent’s converse with prospects in an effective manner. To make that happen, it is crucial to give real-time examples.

Many reputed BPO firms let trainers or supervisors make a call to potential customers during the training session so as to give newly joined agents a better idea regarding how to speak with prospects at the start of the conversation.



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