Today’s leaders are increasingly asked to help their business stay on course not just from a budgetary but from a strategic perspective as well. At a time when your small and medium size business is challenged with stringent laws, strict compliance rules, monetary constraints and automated operations, this is no small task. Add to this a higher level of manual work and the heaps of paper. So, it becomes all evident as why decision makers are playing smartly and considering erp software in India.
With automated processes, business users deliver more frequent, accurate reports, gain a 360 insight of business and close deals faster. The automated processes also allow you to dive deep into company data and gain strategic insights which is sometimes lost under the heaps of paper and excel sheets. And, while there is a worry among some business leaders that automation is not at all essential, the opposite is true. If anything, it simply frees resources to focus on more value-adding activity and contribute to future strategies.
There are many compelling reasons as why automation is becoming one of the greatest allies of SMEs, but a few points in particular stand out. Let’s examine those.
Bring Order to Chaos
Many companies have admitted that they still use excel sheets and spreadsheets for reporting and tracking every detail. This heavy reliance on spreadsheets and excel sheets may give some room to manual errors, unnecessary delays and confusion. At the same time, some of the companies who are actively using GST Ready ERP have admitted that before investing in an ERP they used to take around 2-3 weeks to complete their financial close which was leading to hap hazardous situation. In this way, ERP has brought a great relief and peace to chaotic environment prevailing in a dynamic industry.
Close the door to many potential errors
In the case of sales leads monitoring, accounts reconciliation, inventory counting, each process involves great precision with no scope of flaws and errors. A team under pressure to complete their inventory counting, maintain the sales and finance data may fall under the prey of making flaws and errors.
When everyone works on the same page with critical information and insights at hand, the chances of errors are substantially reduced, which means companies can close their financial close more confidently by automating their core processes and eliminate the need of any manual intervention and potential mistakes and conflicts. This is where SAP Business One comes in.
No scope of manipulative entries so safety is paramount
One of the major concerns of small and medium-sized enterprises is usually how to protect the sensitive information being passed to third party person. By considering one of the best ERP services in India, businesses can ride on a safe boat. With a mature and enterprise-ready software, everything falls into place. All data is stored and updated centrally and business leaders can control access so that there is no scope of manipulative entries and breach of information.
Now that you’ve read the benefits of ERP software, it’s time to make a switch from your manual methods to automated processes. Many ERP Software is designed exclusively for small businesses and stands ready to mitigate your comprehensive business challenges.