Home Education How Leaders Can Influence Technology Adoption in K12 Education

How Leaders Can Influence Technology Adoption in K12 Education

by Soft2share.com

Digitization, consumerization of information technology, and ubiquitous access have led to drastic changes in the learning methodologies and how schools convey learning with technology. Moreover, digitally inclined parents, tech-savvy students, and employers are challenging education leaders to deliver technical learning.

Technology infuses classrooms with tech-tools like computers and handheld devices. It increases student engagement, motivation, and accelerates their learning process. Computers and Internet connections in classrooms have increased a lot in the recent past.

ā€˜Technology ushers a novel and innovative model toward connected teaching and personalized learningā€™.  

Many countries across the globe prioritize Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at K12 and school education level. The role of tech leaders like Information technology Directors, Chief Technology Leaders (CTOs) and Chief Information Officer (CIOs) is significant in integrating technology into school environments.

They influence the K12 IT leaders while adopting technology in –  

  • Implementing technology trends
  • Delivering custom technology solutions that teachers and students need
  • Making day-to-day workflows and processes more efficient
  • Maintaining the security of the schoolsā€™ network
  • Guarding the privacy of personnel data

Teaching and learning processes embrace technology and innovation to inspire learning.

To illustrate ā€“

San Francisco Flex Academy high school is a hybrid school that provides an online curriculum that enables students to take courses at their own pace.

The Florida Virtual School provides full-time learning opportunities for students in K-12 grade. It delivers blended learning opportunities to students through online courses from school sites.

North Carolina Virtual Public School offers 120 courses, test preparation, and career planning services to students.

In the wake of technology adoption, leadership promise must also get emphasized among the other elements of IT best practices. The most promising practice in having an IT leadership is not that it is limited to technical people but school leaders who embrace technology themselves. The school leaders must undertake k12 schoolā€™s education management program to understand the IT role.

This helps them to take the administrative powers efficiently. It also prevents the haphazard IT evolution within the schools as it would have the presence of proactive and integrative leadership.

Such personnel generally become the senior administrators of the institute.

For this purpose, Wharton online learning holds a great leadership promise with adept online programs.

Hitherto, the school administrator can provide the executive leadership, the CIO will provide the technical leadership, and the technology committee can provide the political leadership in the IT management.

The Global Fellow of School Leadership & Management programs blends the thought leadership and world-renowned expertise of PennGSE and Wharton.

Some of the major takeaways of this program include:

  • A credential to recognize the capacity and potential of the participants to lead institutions and policy initiatives on K12 education
  • Learnings on breakthrough concepts, techniques, and strategies to manage the economics of running schools and K12 initiatives
  • Upgrade leadership techniques to drive transformational results, influence systemic change and leave a long-lasting impact
  • Refine and expand perspectives to manage excellence, quality, and ethics in k12 and school education initiatives
  • Implement innovative K12 education design and delivery, techniques, and learning strategies to transform schools and studentsā€™ experiences
  • Leverage the Wharton and UPenn advantage while developing a network of fellow K12 leaders

This program is apt for the senior educators, principals, heads, directors, presidents, and education administrators who have a special interest in exploring the role of leadership, modern management and technology while improving financial and social returns on investments in K12 education.

With the convenience of flexible learning that includes online, self-paced, blended, and Master class, it helps the leaders to get acquainted with education innovation, learn sciences and technologies, explore growth, and new business opportunities in school education.

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