Home Marketing How marketing technologies can help and change your company

How marketing technologies can help and change your company

by Soft2share.com

Over recent years marketing has been evolving. With the development of different technologies, comes a new generation of marketing techniques and a new term coined: MarTech, a combination of “Marketing” and “Technology”. MarTech provides companies with various ways of reaching and engaging with their target audience by giving them the tools to plan, create, execute, and ultimately measure their marketing campaigns.


What exactly is “Marketing Technology” or MarTech?

MarTech can be defined as the software that enables marketers to carry out their tasks and perform their jobs in the digital age. MarTech can help marketing teams to deeply understand who their real consumers are, what they really want, when they will be buying, when they should reach out to them, or how to reach out to them. Essentially, marketing technology is making marketing measurable.

Martech is a combination of technology and marketing. Pretty much anyone involved with digital marketing is actually dealing with martech, because digital by its nature is technologically-based. The concept “martech” particularly applies to major tools that harness technology to accomplish marketing objectives and targets.

Marketing has changed drastically over the last ten years or so. New technologies are helping to shape the industry, facilitating new innovative ways to reach our target customers. Thus, if you want to make sure your marketing strategies are an absolute success, you will need to take advantage of the latest marketing technology services on offer.

Throughout the following lines we are going to have a look at how marketing technologies or martech can help and change a company.


Increasing the number of conversions with relevancy

One of the main ways that technology has helped change and enhance marketing, is definitely by increasing relevancy. Marketers nowadays can really target a very specific audience, narrowing their advertisements down to specific ages, employment statuses, sexes and many other demographics.

Generally speaking, the more relevant and accurate your marketing targeting is, the more conversions you will achieve. Besides, when you market to the wrong people, you don’t just waste your money and time, but you are also generating a negative reputation as a spam business. Therefore, always ensure your advertisements are relevant, and take advantage of technology like social media platforms and Google AdWords.


High speed is vital for a successful marketing campaign

By all means, slow speeds could be hampering your company’s success right now. In marketing, digital methods have truly taken over. Basically this means that companies and brands need to focus a big chunk of their efforts on marketing to customers online. If you don’t have a fast Internet connection this can be truly difficult.

You will need a high-speed Internet connection to quickly share things online, it doesn’t matter if you need to share videos or photos; a slow Internet connection will just frustrate the customers and lose you a lot of potential business. Thus, if currently you do not have a fast Internet connection, you should definitely invest in one.


Build a relationship with customers

Another way marketing technology or martech has helped companies, is by making it much easier to build up relationships with customers. Nowadays, consumers expect a very personal relationship with the brands they interact with. They need to be able to trust the firm and be able to interact with the company when needed. Social media platforms are the best and easiest way to do this.

By setting up social media profiles for your firm, it helps you to build up your brand and interact with your customers easily. This increases your marketing reach, using online tools like Facebook’s targeted ads to reach a larger audience. You can use it to link back to your online site, as well as for other purposes like promoting upcoming competitions, events and even new services or products.

There have been many changes to marketing technologies over the last ten years. The above are some of the ways technology can help to change companies. If you are not incorporating the right technology into your firm, now is the perfect time to get started.

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