Home Business How TechIndia Software serves the SEO needs of US content marketing agencies

How TechIndia Software serves the SEO needs of US content marketing agencies

by Soft2share.com

TechIndia Software, a leading web design and development agency based in India recently signed a 24 month contract to serve the SEO needs of a leading content market agency based in San Diego, CA.

The content marketing agency had a team of 35 people with skills in web design, content writing, social media and web development. They also had 4 project managers who were responsible for the delivery of their projects and reported directly to the respective account directors.

The team however, lacked SEO skills. This was a big disadvantage as they used to get almost 3- 4 enquiries every week for SEO services. Cumulatively, they calculated that they had lost several thousands of dollars in a year just by refusing work for want of SEO skills.

Search for SEO professionals
It was at this point, that they decided to hire staff with expertise in SEO and interviewed several people. However, they could not find the right folks – either the candidates were very skilled and so demanded high salary that the agency could not afford, or they were too raw, and so unfit for the role.

It was during this search for SEO professionals that they stumbled upon TechIndia Software.

TechIndia Software matched their needs perfectly
TechIndia Software started to engage with the agency to understand their SEO needs. The agency wanted to serve its customers quality SEO services, but with their own brand name and logo. They were already having a loyal customer base in San Diego and enjoyed enormous goodwill in the industry. The startegy for them was to introduce SEO services to their customers by capitalising on their brand name in the market. This was a perfect case for “White Label Seo Services

How white label SEO services met the needs of the agency?
TechIndia Software’s SEO experts explained the working of the white label SEO services model to the agency and the agency’s management was impressed as this model
benefitted them in many ways:

– They were not required to hire SEO staff on their rolls.
– They could pick up SEO assignments from their clients.
– These assignments would be sent to TechIndia Software as projects.
– TechIndia Software would finish the projects and deliver them to the agency.
– The finished projects would always have the brand name and logo of the agency.
– The agency would deliver the projects to their clients and invoice them.

Future outlook for white label SEO services
The San Diego based agency is very bullish about the future. It has a huge clientele and the demand for quality SEO services is continously rising. Alongwith SEO services (local and mobile), SMO services, PPC services and CRO services are also in huge demand. It wants to partner with a dedicated and long term provider that has experienced and certified SEO professionals who can take up SEO assignments and do them end-to-end with the minimal need for questions and clarifications. They need to be well-versed in English – both written and spoken.

Secondly, the provider must offer competitive prices and assurance of business continuity without disruption of services and be available 24/ 7 in case of any emergency or escalation.

TechIndia Software was chosen as the partner of the agency
TechIndia Software matched the needs of the agency perfectly and answered all questions of the agency’s management. Both parties have now entered into a 24 month contract that is renewable every year subject to fulfillment of conditions.

The agency has started picking up SEO assignments and sending them to TechIndia Software.

Myself Mouzzam Jafri Head of Internet Marketing at Techindiasoftware. I have 5+ years of experience in IT Industry. My passion is in writing about Internet Marketing Currently I am writing about how to choose Best Ecommerce Seo Company and Hire Dedicated SEO Expert.

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