Home Internet How to Choose an Amazon FBA Prep Service

How to Choose an Amazon FBA Prep Service

by Soft2share.com

FBA or Fulfilled By Amazon is what would help you become one of the most in-demand sellers on the E-Commerce portal. However, what if you are running out of stock and orders are pouring in? The best approach in those circumstances is to opt for the outsourcing of your FBA prep to third party sources. How will you choose your Amazon FBA Prep Service? Here are a few tips on choosing the best among the rest.

How to Choose an Amazon FBA Prep Service?

Before we can move on to understand how to choose the FBA Prep Service, let us understand what Amazon FBA Prep service is. We will also check why it is important.

What Is FBA Prep Service and Why is it Important?

Sending your inventory to FBA is not only about handling the package over to the courier. You need to meet a few specific conditions put forward by Amazon Fulfilment Center. This is what FBA Prep is all about. It focusses on packaging and labelling the items, but if the product is imported, you may also need to include the inspection to the inventory.

Getting your FBA Prep is essential and important. In case you do not get it wrong, you may stand the chance to get your account suspended. Amazon may decide not to accept your stock if it is wrong. You can do it in three ways – do it yourself, let Amazon handle it or outsource it. You can also check Amazon fee calculator.

FBA is quite complicated and comes with specialised rules to follow. By outsourcing it, you are entrusting the work in the safe hands of experts. That way, you would be ensuring that the risk of your stock being rejected is lowered. Choose a good sourcing agent like https://leelinesourcing.com that has an experience in the task.

Tips to Choose the Best Amazon FBA Prep Service

There are a number of factors that may affect your choice of the best FBA Prep service for your needs. Some of them are

The Pricing

Check out the pricing offered in terms of the FBA Prep service. There are services that charge at per item basis while some others charge on a monthly basis. The choice should be dependent upon the quantity you send. If you are sending items quite sporadically, you would need to opt for per item basis. A monthly charge would be a better option if you have larger volumes of inventory.

There are a few other pricing factors like what is included in the packaging. A few services may charge extra for bubble wrap or similar other extras. Other fees include storage charges and other minimum stock requirements.


Choose the best location for your Prep service that has its facility nearby the port that you normally ship your products from. This will help you save costs in terms of transporting and trucking costs. It will also go a long way in promoting your business and help it run smoothly.

A prep service closer to your home or factory can be another added advantage. The factory personnel can take the inventory themselves to the Prep service or involve low trucking costs.

Climate Control

This is another area that needs attention. If you tend to send perishable goods through Amazon, it would be advisable to check if the prep service you have chosen is climate controlled. You may end up getting your items damaged if you do not take care enough.

The climate control should be important even in case of non-perishable goods as well. Your items may get damaged if they are not taken care of properly.

Concluding Thoughts

These are just a few points you need to look into before signing up with a Amazon FBA Prep service. There are several other factors that include sales taxes, storage facilities and processing time required to completing the procedure that need to be addressed. Opt for a good service keeping in view all these aspects and prosper as a capable Amazon FBA seller.

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